Yes, I borrowed that quote from the cover of "A Christmas Story," one of our favorite movies this time of year. It caught my eye last night as I was staying up too late to finish gifts for teachers and bake cookies for our annual staff cookie extravaganza, etc and I had to totally laugh out loud. I was having one of those conversations with myself about why was I staying up late to do all these things that are supposed to foster that warm, fuzzy Christmas spirit when all I was really thinking and feeling was, "This is so dumb!! Why am I doing this to myself!" **sigh**
It's all about balance and this year, like so many before, I can't seem to find it. I can't tell you about all the pictures I have waiting on the camera that I want to blog about, Justin's molten chococlate cakes, Kenzie playing with her Halloween candy like they were little toy people, Santa's personal visit to our house, to name a few. They'll get there eventually.
It's this quest for balance this year that has lead our family to a big decision. We decided that after Christmas I will not be going back to my full time job at the high school. It was a difficult decision to make, because I truly enjoy it. However, my family relationships and my sanity are much more important. I am looking into some part time options that will allow me more time with our family. Nothing is confirmed yet, but I will let you know once things are worked out. It is bittersweet for me, however I am really excited to be home. I'm looking forward to getting our house in a better order and exploring and hopefully strengthening some talents here and there.
So don't give up on me. Keep checking and there will be more posts coming soon!
I am with list keeps getting longer and longer and I know it's my fault.
Good for you to seek balance...and Good luck with all the new changes coming your way.
I totally know how you feel and I totally know how you feel (about work and not going back ;)
Good luck to you. I know you'll be great at whatever you do.
You brave, brave girl. You are an inspiration to all of us.
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