Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kate's Best

Most nights while we eat dinner we take turns sharing our "best, worst, weirdest, & service," for each day.  It makes for some great dinner time conversations.  Anyway, tonight Kate's best went like this:

My best is I learned how to talk with a British accent!!  That way if we go to Britain I will be able to talk in Britain to them!

It's not easy. You have to practice really hard.  You can't talk regular to them because they won't understand what you are saying.

So funny!  She was really animated when she was telling us about it and you could tell how excited and proud she was.  So, if you ever travel to Britain and you want to take Kate along, just let us know. ;)


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Ha! That's so funny and cute! I could almost picture her telling it. I need to ask her to talk British to me next time.I like to think I can do a British accent but my family insists I can't. Whatever! They are WRONG!

Nick said...

Just catching up-way late. Kevin is a very handsome Superman. And Justin looks fantastic! You reminded me of the nerd girl from the end of "Better Off Dead" that meets Ricky when he's laying there in the snow. Anyway, his beautiful letter to Santa made me a little misty. Sweetest boy ever for sure!