Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Things that I loved about today

Kenzie wasn't afraid to talk to Snow White--She was thrilled and gave her a big hug.

That these sisters actually wanted to have their picture taken together, (or at least they were willing to humor me).

That Kevin loves this fedora Kelly gave him so much he's been wearing it ever since.

I always knew where Kenzie was.  I just had to look for the shiny pink coat.

That I caught Justin laughing at something that Kevin did.  Such a handsome guy!

Daffodils beginning to bloom!

That it took at least 5 takes to get this one great shot. And that Grandma T was here to enjoy this holiday time and beautiful day with us.

"Momma, my legs are tired of walking."

This golden hair.

That my teenager wasn't too cool to sit on a bench, enjoying the sun and talking with me all about her video ideas.

That Kevin can jump from the ground onto a waist-high picnic table.

Every so often Kate would just lay down somewhere and talk about how she was too tired to walk.

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