Saturday, January 14, 2012

Been Studying

Some of you may be thinking--she's home now right...where are her posts?!

Well, I have been furiously studying for the last couple of weeks for a personal trainer exam.  The first part I will be taking in about 20 minutes and the second part I take on Tues.  Please say a prayer for me and wish me luck--I am extremely nervous!

I know, I have done this before, but somehow the anxiety just builds and builds.

Anyway, when all of that is over I will share my frustrating experience of being locked out of the house and my thoughts on life with a very, very stubborn 3 year old!


Shauna said...

Good luck!!!
And i must say... you were an adorable little 3 year old!!

I did the Amazon mom's club for a little bit and it was great! I only did it for diapers... it was so awesome to have diapers arrive on my doorstep just as i was running out! i need to sign up again...

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Oh you'll do great. Thanks so much for your story today with the man and the wind. It has stayed with me.
Love to have you in my life :)

Delia said...

Good luck! I know you'll do great.

All I can manage on our family blog is about once or twice a month. Don't feel the need to apologize! :)

Oh and I would love to know more about that Amazon program. I looked into their diapers and it was not cheaper for us to go that route but I don't know if I was even looking in the right place to be honest.