Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Decades Day (With a little help from Kenzie)

Kenzie would not stand still and we had about 30 seconds to take pictures before they had to go to school.

I made Kate's leg warmers out of an old sweater.  Believe it or not she didn't want to wear them all scrunched up.  She thought they looked better stretched long over her entire leg.  We tried and tried to convince her that wouldn't have worked for the costume and that most of the time they were worn scrunched up.  Man--another stubborn girl.  Anyway, she finally agreed and scrunched them up--whew!

I know this is blurry but I can't get over Kenzie and her pj choice and sleepy hair.  It was a fun morning.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Really cute. I always miss the dress up days for Aaron and he never dresses up. I know..I'm such a bad mom ;)

Mom said...

What great pics!. I love the unspoken story. Kevin is so handsome and of course the girls are beautiful!

Delia said...

haha...Kenzie is so cute. I actually like her outfit. :) Kevin and Kate were so good to smile patiently through all those pictures.