Friday, January 6, 2012

Pictures from 2011 I meant to share

These are bits and pieces that I meant to share and just ran out of time.  Enjoy!

Kenzie playing with her Halloween candy like it was little toy figurines.

She did this for a good 10-15 minutes and hardly ate any of it. :)

Kelly and her friend Olivia dressed up to see "The Phantom of the Opera" at the high school. 

During our week off for Thanksgiving I took the kids to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science.  This is in the area for kids 6 and under, (which happens to be everyone's favorite part--even Kelly).

One of the traveling exhibits.  It was fun, but definitely geared for younger patrons.

We had a special visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. (They are the wonderful couple that had been babysitting Kenzie for us while I was working full time). 

Kate and her green machine she got from Santa--she loves it!  What's cool is that it has a weight limit of 200lbs so just about all of us can ride it (if she let's us). :)

Kelly and her camera she got from Santa.  At this point I should also mention that if you're not shopping on Amazon I highly recommend it.  You can find just about anything and get great deals along with free shipping.  It made our Christmas shopping so much easier this year!  They also have Amazon for mom's that I haven't tried yet but I understand that you get incredible deals on everyday items like toilet paper, peanut butter, and diapers.  You can set up automatic payments and regular delivery dates so you never run out!  That is one of the new things I'm going to try this year.

Moving On.
We were so lucky to have a few days of great weather while Grandma T was visiting.  We spent one day at the Heard Museum which has a cool dinosaur exhibit right now until the end of January.  All of the dinosaurs are animatronic and fun to find while you're walking on the hiking trails.

Kevin with his remote control truck from Santa.  I should know all the details, but sadly I don't. I just know that it's not like any other RC vehicle we've ever had.  He really loves it and enjoys working on it as well.

It is a beautiful day here so Kenzie and I are heading to the park.  I hope you have a wonderful day!

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