Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Girl

One busy Saturday we were wondering where Kenzie was--you'd think with as small as our place is we'd always know where everyone was--but anyways....Kenzie had decided that she was tired and put herself down for a nap.

When I started taking pictures of her she woke up.  I guess I caught her before she was totally asleep.  This ended up being a good thing because she's in that phase of if she naps then she never goes to sleep at night.

This girl is sooooo stubborn!  She insists on things her way, no highway option. Which means we seem to be "fighting" battles throughout the day--every day!  One day she wanted a particular dress that was in the wash.  I mean literally it was in the washer.  She refused to do anything else until it was ready to wear.  She wouldn't play games, watch TV, read books with me.  She just laid on the floor and sucked her thumb until it was ready.  That's just how determined she can be.  It makes for some good lessons to learn such as, "You can't always get what you want," etc. 

Speaking of thumb sucking.  She only does it when she has her "lovey," the light pink thing in her hand in the above picture. It was originally a beautiful silk pashmina that a friend had given to me, but once Kenzie got attached to it, that was that.  I've been trying to get her to leave her lovey on her bed so that she will only have it at night and thus only suck her thumb at night.  I tried bribing her that if she could leave it on her bed for so many days she'd be able to earn a prize at the store.  She starts the day with every intention of leaving it on her bed,  but before long it seems to make it's way downstairs and into her thumb sucking hand.  Hmmmmmm.  This is going to be more difficult than I had hoped.

How is it that I could have forgotten so quickly what life with a 3 year old was like?  Maybe it's because every time I've had a 3 year old at home there has been a sibling at home as well to act as a buffer.  I find myself dreaming of preschool--that is terrible.  I should be enjoying every moment!  I just try to remember how it was before when I was gone and someone else was teaching her things about life.  Then I realize how much I love being with her--battles and all.  I count my blessings.  Take some deep breaths and press on.  

Because this girl is worth it.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Janet you are too funny with that pre-school comment. It made me giggle. Yes the thumb sucking can be quite difficult to curtail. I used to watch my niece and she had this bad habit too. We tried everything. Even putting habanero sauce on it. Well guess what?! She liked it! Turns out the kid loves spicy food. Go figure. She finally stopped sucking her thumb. I think she was in the 2nd grade. Sorry..

Delia said...

She sounds like she's a lot of fun. :) I think she and Reid would find they have a lot in common...except for the thumb sucking.

Seriously...a three year old is exhausting. I'm there with you. I want to do more preschool learning time with Reid but it has to be HIS way and on HIS time table. Owen went through a tough phase but not like this one. : /

You're right though. All this work makes the tender moments that much more special...and important.