Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sitting Pretty

These are not the best pictures. Someday I will figure out how to take great ones. However, the subject in the pictures is perfect! K4 will be 7 months old tomorrow. She gets better at sitting up every day. She still tips over to the side if she leans too far.
The title picture was taken by me when she was 2 weeks old. We were waiting at the Pediatrician and she kept smiling in her sleep. I was thrilled that I actually got a picture of one!
The other night we were getting her ready for bed, (hence only the white onesie), and she was thoroughly enjoying herself with a bunch of plastic lizards, snakes, bug, etc. It was so fun to watch her just delight in them. She'd pick up one and turn it over and over in her hands, studying it so carefully. Then she'd grab another one and do the same. She was so happy. It was wonderful! I loved seeing how curious she was in discovering something new.
Her face is continuing to do much better. Among all of the other things we have to add to her food, the thing that really has helped her turn the corner is adding a teaspoon of flax and/or grapeseed oil. Yuck, I know, but it has helped her immensely. I just hope that we can get to a point where we won't have to add all of this extra stuff to her food and that she will do fine without it.
She continues to be a complete joy to our family. Everyone wants to hold her, and play with her. For the most part she puts up with it all. I can't believe that soon she will be crawling! Where has the time gone?! I am reminded of a poem. Sadly I can only remember the ending.
"Quiet down cobwebs. Dust, go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."


Jared and Delia said...

These posts made me smile, smirk, and laugh out loud!

Kate is hilarious! Jared and I could just hear Kate telling you to stop laughing in her cute, sing-song voice. Owen misses her tons! We were reading a book about valentines day and about giving valentines. We listed people he could give valentines to and Kate was at the top of his list.

Kenzie is growing up SOOOO fast. I can't believe she is sitting up. Her face looks like it is losing some of the baby chub too. It really does go by too fast. I love that poem too...I can't remember the rest, but I guess it is the end that matters the most which is why it sticks.

Welcome back to blogging. Glad to have you back. :)

Robyn said...

Hi Janet. Love the posts. I can just see Kate trying on the PJs!! (I can also see her trying to talk Ryann in to doing it too!) I can't believe Kenzie is 7 months old!! She is beautiful. I never realized how much she looks like Kevin.

BTW, I love the same poem. I always said I was going to cross-stich it and put it in my nursery but I never did. Anyway, here is the entire poem:

"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow... for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow... So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep... I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."

Have a great day. I truly enjoy the blog. Robyn

The six of us! said...

I love that poem too! Enjoy this time, it seems like I was just brining Emily home from the hospital and yet here she is 2 years old playing dress up!