Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Let's Be Best Friends!"

Let me tell you a story about a brother and sister. Not that long ago I was worried that these two would never be able to tolerate one another let alone like each other. They were constantly fighting and arguing over everything, from how you pronounce words, to how to play games, etc. They knew how to set each other off and would push each others buttons relentlessly! We recently had to rearrange everyone's bedroom to make sure that they were separated. (Our house is really small and all of our kids share rooms--yes, boys and girls together. What else are we going to do?).

Anyway, so brother gets a cold. A really bad cold and stays home from school. After a couple of days sister gets a cold, a really bad cold. They are put in a situation with no one else to turn to for entertainment and...gulp, companionship.

Then an amazing thing happens. They start playing games together. Building forts together. Brother reads books to sister and wants to eat what sister wants to eat for lunch. After hours of genuinely enjoying each others company I overhear sister say, "Let's be best friends forever!" Brother responds with, "We already are."

Hopefully we will all live happily ever after.


Jared and Delia said...

That story is SO cute. It looked like you rearranged things. I don't remember that chair being by those windows.

pianogal said...

What a sweet story! Those make everything worth it, don't they?

Julie Lovell said...

How sweet! We can only hope our boys end up buddies.

Breanne said...

That's the sweetest thing! I hope Tucker and his future siblings will be best friends too!

Jeremy Price said...

These are the little rewards in a mom's life, I am so glad that you caught them being so sweet.

The six of us! said...

Oh how sweet! One can only hope that this is just the begining of a beautiful relationship = )