Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fun Family Weekend--Warning Lots of Pictures!

We had some serious family time two weeks ago for my SIL's wedding. It started with a great trip to Pine. Everyone had so much fun and it was a beautiful day! One I will always remember.

We stopped for lunch at a great picnic spot complete with a playground. Woohoo!

The Teeter-Totters were a big hit!

It was such a beautiful day! I'm so glad that we decided to go.

I could not get a normal picture of Kate the whole weekend. She was always posing! Such a princess! (Seriously, never a dull moment).

Looking for arrowheads.

Sweet Girl!

Such a handsome boy determined to find an arrowhead!

Kenzie loves her Aunt sooooooo much!

Kenzie loves her grandparents too!

We're so glad they made it for the wedding!

I love this picture of my in-laws! What a great brother and sister shot!

Kate loves her cousin so much and is so glad that he's here for the weekend. They were not prompted to dance, they came up with this all on their own!

What a beauty! Growing up too fast!

It was a very nice ceremony. We're so happy for them!

I was so happy that these dresses turned out so well! Thank you, thank you, thank you Mom for teaching me how to sew and buying me a great starter machine! I love you!

All in all it was a wonderful weekend full of laughter and good times. We made some incredible memories and I'm really glad that I was there.


Jared and Delia said...

What fun pictures! I am so glad someone got pictures of the wedding!...other than the photographer. We got a few of Kate that are good, if you want them.

WE love you and hope your move is going well.

pianogal said...

Pretty pictures! The dresses are so cute! Makes me wish for more time to sew. Maybe when school starts.... :)

Nick said...

The dresses turned out so cute. I'm really jealous of how well you can sew. I couldn't sew to save my life. Kenzie is such a doll! I can't wait to meet her.

Anonymous said...

As I look at these pictures of you guys it made me realize how much we miss having you guys around! Kenzie is getting so big! It looks like you guys had a fun trip!