Saturday, June 6, 2009

I can't think of a title

I am behind on uploading my most recent pictures. They will have to come later. The last two weeks have been kind of crazy with last minute wedding prep for my SIL wedding. ( I made the dresses for her girls--it was something I offerred to do and it really was fun). Then this week we were emptying cupboards and closets sorting through....stuff for our yard sale.

I just wanted to post a couple of funny things. Kate was getting dressed this morning and she said to me, "Mommy, I picked out light blue pants and a dark blue shirt and it's just magic to me!" It was so funny! It makes me wonder and fear a little bit about what she will be like as a teenager. Hopefully she'll keep me in style and looking like a cool Mom.

Then, as I mentioned earlier we had a yard sale. I can't stand yard sales. We've moved a lot, (as most of you know), and I have been happy to just give things away. Well, we just had too much, so we mustered up the strength and determination and actually it turned out pretty well. I'm glad that we perservered. All of our kids were anxious to help and do their part to earn a little $$. Kevin was best at marketing. If no one was there, he would yell as loud as he could, "Yard Sale, Great Things for Great Prices!" Then as soon as someone would show up he would say, "See, my yell worked!" Also, he decided that he needed to kick it up a notch on his efforts to draw in customers. So he dressed up like a cowboy, (long pants, long sleeved shirt, vest, hat, and boots in 100 degree weather, I told him that he would be too hot, but he insisted). He stood out at the end of our driveway in his costume and danced the robot to the music inside his head. It was hilarious and actually got people to stop and come in just to see Kevin. Today Justin paid him a quarter every time someone said something about it. He was thrilled! Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of any of it. I'm going on a serious lack of sleep and I'm just trying to get through the day without going street rat crazy. Those of you who really know Kevin will hopefully be able to picture the whole thing. It truly was memorable.


Jared and Delia said...

I can totally picture Kevin. How cute!

I just saw Confessions of a Shop a holic and you are right! She is totally Kate all grown up! Her enthusiasm is even similar.

Hope you get some sleep!

pianogal said...

I can picture him too! We have a video of Ethan at Sea World a few years ago dancing to the music at a Shamu show. No inhibitions, completely in the moment - priceless! Wish we could have seen Kevin! And I wish we lived closer so I could take your kids or clean or pack or whatever it is that's keeping you from sleeping!

Shauna said...

Hi Sis Randall!
The best way I know how to get those links to the church websites is to click on the quote by Sis Hinckley that's on my blog. That will take you to Leelou blogs. At the top, click on the tab that says "buttons". She's got a ton of cute free buttons! The church ones are down towards the bottom. Then just copy and paste the info into the HTML/JavaScript gadget and it should work!
For the video, if you go to and then to the channel Mormon Messages, you'll find all of the church's videos like the one I have. When you pick one, over to the right it will say "embed" and it will have all this jibberish. That's what you will want to copy and paste into the HTML/JavaScript gadget. (on the right of the embed, you'll see this little wheel looking thing. If you click on that, it will change the size of the video if you want. I pick the smallest one for my blog.) Anyways, I hope this helps!

We just went garage-saleing the other day, and if I saw Bro Randall, I would have DEFINATELY stopped!
Have a wonderful day!!

Nick said...

I really hope you get sleep. I'm so glad to be moving past that stage finally. It's really horrible to go through! I was picturing Kevin during your description and it sounds AWESOME! I love Kate's enthusiasm for clothes!

Jeremy Price said...

I can totally see Kevin doing that, I do not need a picture though I am sure it would be cute. He is so fun and has loved to dress up since we have known him. Miss you guys.