Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good News and Bad News

The good news is that I was able to plug my memory card into my computer and easily retrieve all of my pictures. The bad news is that means there is definitely something wrong with my camera. There is not a local camera shop here in town. So I have to decide if it's worth sending away for repairs. I'm not sure yet. In the mean time I will go back to using my Dad's old Olympus 35 mm SLR camera. When I say old, I mean old, especially with how much technology advances every year. However, it still works very well and if I set it up right it takes fabulous pictures. Truth be told I love using it. It just means that it will be a little slower from when the picture is taken to when it's downloaded to my computer. Meanwhile, here are some pictures from the last month.

Fourth of July Weekend!

Kate with her cousin Isaac at Isaac's other cousin's farm in Harrisonville. My BIL comes from a big family and every year they get together at one of the brother's farm for family, food, fun and most of all fireworks!
My Sister got all of the kids these great bottlerocket type fireworks that when they flew up and exploded a parachute popped out and floated down. They got to light them off themselves...which they loved and then they had a great time running after them.

Kelly had been swimming, but even then, it's definitely more humid here. I just couldn't resist a picture of these curls brought on by the warm, humid weather!

Kenzie and Kate had a great time feeding the cows. That black one is acutally a bull and Kate fed it a hamburger bun (that's kind of funny) right from her hand! Justin is probably blinking because of the flies. That's what killed it for me. I was wondering if we ever got some land how would it be to have cows. I could probably handle everything except the flies! They were everywhere! All in all we had a great time out at the farm. You gotta love living in a place where fireworks are legal and then being out in the middle of nowhere to set off as many as you want!

This is a picture of the flag my parents have in their front yard on the actual 4th. The day was cloudy, but it didn't look anything like this. The cloudiness came from the humidity fogging up the camera!

Two days later it was my Mom's birthday, which was Kenzie's actual due date. (Note to anyone considering being induced, if there is no real reason other than convenience I DO NOT recommend it). Anyway, we went to this great park near our house. Kenzie loved sliding and being at the playground with all of the kids.

Justin was such a good sport to help her walk around and explore the jungle gym.

Happy Bithday Nana!

Kevin all duded up and ready for...bed! He was so proud of these new cap guns he bought with his own money.
O Pioneer! (yes, Kate's is an old pillow case. I ended up not buying enough material. It worked perfectly and turned out great! Thanks mom for the idea and the help!)

Hot and sticky! exploring James A. Reed Wildlife preserve. You can tell that the little girls were ready to go home. Kevin wanted to keep exploring, but we decided to do it on a day that wasn't so hot!
I wanted to say "thanks" for everyones comments on my last post. You made my day! I am truly blessed with wonderful friends and family. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Jared and Delia said...

Those ARE great pictures. I am so glad you were able to salvage them.

We especially love that picture of Kevin in his Dude outfit. :)

I love the pillowcase skirt for Kate. What a great idea. I bet you could make some cute pajama pants for 3-4 years olds from an old pillow case too! Oooh! I am going to have to check garage sales.

I am so glad you guys had a fun Fourth. We love you!

Jeremy Price said...

Can I just tell you how happy it makes me everytime you post a picture of Kevin dressed up. It means he hasn't changed that much and we still know him. You have such a cute family. Good luck with the camera.

The six of us! said...

Sorry to hear about the camera, but so glad you were able to save the pictures! It look so green out there and beautiful. Kelly is such a beauty~!~! I just am so amazed at how grown up she looks ;)