Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wonderful Nauvoo

Almost one week ago our family along with my sister Susan and her children, my sister Kimberly, and my Mom all caravanned to Nauvoo, Illinois. You know your husband is a wonderful man when he happily comes along with such a spirited group. (You all know what I mean).
We thoroughly enjoyed the Nauvoo Pageant. Like all the pageants put on by the Church it was incredible. Beautiful music, touching dialogue and amazing choreography, set, cast, etc. Nauvoo is such an amazing place. There aren't words that would accurately capture what it feels like to be there. The history, the feelings that come with walking in such sacred places. It's very surreal. Once you have gone, you will never be the same.

We actually did not stay in Nauvoo. We stayed in this restored home called the Daugherty Mansion in Keokuk, Iowa. It was built in the late 1800's. The original cost of the home, plus it's furnishings cost $25,000! It had three floors, plus a basement that went under the whole house. The owner still lives on the third floor, so we had the bottom two floors to ourselves. These floors both had 12 foot ceilings. All of us had a bed to sleep in and plenty of room to roam and explore. It was fascinating! It was so fun to stay in such a beautiful home. Keokuk actually has several restored turn of the century homes. One night Justin and I went for a walk along Grand Avenue and tried to drink up the views. Beautifully restored homes--victorian, tudor, and so on right on the Mississippi River!

The open front doors with the beautiful staircase.

A view of the parlor.

One of the bedrooms. This room was actually painted pink while we were there and had pink floral bedding. This is where the little girls stayed. The owner told them that this was the princess bed. They were in heaven!
On our way home Justin and I took our kids to Carthage, Illinois to see the visitor's center there and visit the historic Carthage Jail. What a sacred place. I know what some of you may be thinking...a jail? Sacred?! But that is the place where the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were held on false charges and then killed by a mob. Again, my lack of vocabulary can not come close to describe the feelings there. I know that Joseph Smith truly was/is a prophet of God, (once you are a prophet, you are always a prophet). I am grateful for his sacrifice and the sacrifices of all the early saints. I am inspired by their examples and have the desire to be a better person.
The best part of the whole trip for me was Saturday morning when Justin and I were able to attend the Nauvoo Temple. It is indescribably beautiful! I am so grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. For our Father's loving plan of salvation that provides a way for our families to be sealed for time and all eternity, not just "until death do us part."
If any of you that are reading this want to know more about what I have been posting about visit here and here.

I wish I could do more to capture every detail of our trip. Even now, it kind of feels like a dream. All I can say is that visiting Nauvoo is worth it and you will not be disappointed.


Jared and Delia said...

That is so awesome. What a neat and unforgettable experience. I am so glad you could get away and get spiritually rejuvenated.

Shauna said...

That looks like it was so much fun! I love Nauvoo! I was about 15 when we went. Alex and I want to go so bad! Its true, the spirit is so strong there! That is one thing I remember the most about the trip...all of the incredible feelings I had. And how about when they play the audio reenactment at Carthage Jail?! That was something else!

Nick said...

So awesome! We hope to take our kids there someday. I have always wanted to go. What a wonderful experience.

Dianne K. Nelson said...

I felt the same way when we visited the Liberty Jail. I know what you mean!

Thanks for sharing your testimony! Love you lots and appreciate the sacrifice you are making as you go back to work. It too, is another kind of bravery. Hopefully it'll just be for a short time, and on your terms.

Love ya!