Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Book Report and Cub Scouts

{This picture really has nothing to do with this post.  I just love how she likes to pose when I'm taking her picture. :) }

I read another book!!  About a week ago I read "Airman," by Eoin Colfer.  He is the author of "Artemis Fowl."  It was such a great book.  I was on pins and needles the whole time.  It is an easy read and if uninterrupted I could have finished it in one day.  I loved it and hated being interrupted, but such is life.  I'm not sure if I can adequately describe the story.  But it's set in the late 1800's on the Saltee Islands off the coast of Ireland.  Right now I'm trying to come up with words to describe it and I fall short.   So here is the teaser on the inside front cover.

{Again, nothing to do with this post, I just love this picture!}

"Conor Broekhart was born to fly.  In fact, legend has it that he was born flying, in a hot air balloon at the Paris World's Fair.
In the 1890's Conor and his family live on the sovereign Saltee Islands, off the Irish coast.  Conor spends his days studying the science of flight with his tutor and exploring the castle with the king's daughter, Princess Isabella.  But the boy's idyllic life changes forever the day he discovers a deadly conspiracy against the king.  When Conor tries to intervene, he is branded a traitor and thrown into jail on the prison island of Little Saltee.  There, he has to fight for his life, as he and the other prisoners are forced to mine diamonds in inhumane conditions." 

O.k.  So there is more, but that's all I'm going to share.  I really encourage you to read it.  It's a great story and I don't think you will be disappointed.  Also, it's really pretty clean and I've been thinking about reading it out loud to my kids.  There is some violence, where he has to fight for his life, but it's nothing worse than Harry Potter.

I totally neglected to share more about Kevin receiving his Wolf Badge in Cub Scouts.  He also earned his gold arrow point and two silver arrow points.  We are so proud of you Kevin!!  Congratulations!  (I am really sad that I couldn't be there.  I had to teach a cycling class that night and couldn't get a sub). 

We love you Kevin!


Jared and Delia said...

Yay Kevin! I can't wait to have two boy scouts myself. How fun!

That airman book sounds cool. Artemis Fowl is pretty interesting too...just about a 12 year old boy so not super easy to relate to you know? But then again I guess Harry Potter was 11 to begin with too right? I will give the one you recommended a shot. Thanks!

Nick said...

Yay Kevin! I love when they are so proud of themselves for a job well done and hard work in scouts. I love Kate's hair, and the pictures. Such a ham. I was exactly like that as a little girl-and now I hate having my picture taken.

The six of us! said...

Way to go Kevin!!!