Friday, March 12, 2010

Little Princess

{I caught her mid-twirl here}

{I was so bummed that I cut the top of her head off in this picture, but I loved the "foot-pop" she put in for her dance.}

{This is her favorite dress and her favorite shoes--and yes she wears them together all the time!}

Kenzie is following in the footsteps of her older sister Kate.  She is very girly and loves everything pink--especially dresses!  She wants to wear a dress all of the time--not sure where that came from.

She gave me the biggest scare yesterday.  I will try and sum up as best I can.  When we got home from picking up Kevin from school, she snuck into the garage while I was carrying Kate in the house, (she had fallen asleep).  Because she walked under the garage door as it was closing it opened back up and she was outside with nothing but a soggy diaper and a nightgown--that's another story.
I went inside and quickly went to work putting dinner together because yes it was another crazy evening with too many places to be and not enough time.  After a few minutes I asked Kelly to run upstairs and make sure all of the doors were closed, thinking that Kenzie had gone up to play.  When Kelly told me that she wasn't up there I had fear in my heart and throat, but then was inspired by a loving Heavenly Father to check the garage.  When I saw the big door open I ran outside as fast as I could.  Luckily she was just a few steps from our driveway and not in the road, but still no shoes, no jacket and it was not warm.  I had a mixture of emotions run through me all at once, fear, relief, shame, joy, and relief again, and gratitude.  I know that Heavenly Father was looking out for us and Kenzie yesterday.  I don't know what I would do without this little princess in my life.


Nick said...

She's so pretty. I want a dress like that. Don't feel shame. I feel that way any time one of them gets hurt under my watch. I can't tell you all the times Peanut got a chair in the kitchen and pushed it NOT close enough to the counter and fell and hit his mouth on the counter. Or do you remember not that long ago when Jo Jo went in the garage without me knowing and had the ladder fall over him and scrape down his back? Anyway, I'm so sorry you had a scare. That is so awful to have that happen, but I'm glad she was safe. And what a loving Heavenly Father to always help us with his little children.

Jeremy Price said...

I had something like that happen to me when Eli was about her age, I was carrying in grocerys and thought he had come in with jeremy and jeremy thought he had come in with me. I found him on the curb with a little neighbor girl. From that time on everytime I saw her I called her our gaurdian angel. Sure thankful for a Heavenly Father who blesses our lives!

Jared and Delia said...

My heart skipped a beat reading that. There really are angels watching over these little ones. She is so pretty. Jared and I agree. The older she gets the more she looks like Justin. How fun.

The twirling picture of her is so nice. I like the lighting in that picture.

pianogal said...

Scary afternoon for Mom! Glad that little princess is okay. She's so cute!

Mom said...

I wish you knew how many times you scared the 'stuff' out of us that way. Whew! Big sigh.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! Kenzie is adorable. I just love her favorite outfit! She's growing up so fast! As for our future plans...jon got a job out here in texas so we will be staying in texas for at least a couple more years.

Jared and Delia said... your comment wasn't really long at all. :) I am hoping for half day. They usually give you a choice but put kids in that need more help for full day. I am hoping that they won't want to hold him in longer for speech therapy so we can continue with the therapist we are already with. She basically just teaches me what I need to teach least that is what she said. We start on Tuesday. Thanks for your sweet comment.

karen said...

so glad you found that beautiful little blonde girl safe and sound.

As for the dress(es), Kenzie proves my undisputed hypothesis: girls love fluff.