Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nine Years Already?!

This week we celebrated Kevin's 9th birthday.  (I wanted to post something about this sooner, but I was waiting until his party yesterday to include pictures from that, but blogger is making it really difficult to upload pictures, so that will have to wait until later).  I can't believe that it has been 9 years already!  We felt so blessed when Kevin joined our family. I remember we were a little worried at how Kelly would handle the change.  When she came to meet Kevin at the hospital we had everything prepared, a present for her, I wasn't holding Kevin so that I could give her all the love and attention she would need.  She didn't want any of it!  She just wanted to see and hold and love "her Kevin."

Kevin has always been a happy, easy going, fun-loving boy!  He is always the first one to share a joke and is always trying to come up with his own original material.

With his infectious smile and white-blonde hair, he was/is our "Son"-shine.  You just can't help but smile when Kevin is around.

Kevin is always willing to help.  He is so patient and loving with all of his sisters.  If he gets a treat at sunday school, he makes sure to share with his sisters.  He loves reading books to Kate and is so good to play games and include her.  He is always willing to give me hugs and tell me that he loves me.

Kevin, you are turning into such a great young man.  We are so proud of you and the good choices you are making in your life.  We love you!

Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!


Delia said...

Awww...Happy Birthday Kevin! Those were fun pictures.

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday Kevin!

Nick said...

I'm so sorry I didn't get a card out! I'll get it out tomorrow. I guess it helps if I look at my birthday calendar. Happy birthday to sweet Kevin. Boys are so sweet with their mamas. I love the picture of him in the sand because you can't even see his white hair. I love all of them actually because he's so smiley and cute! We love you Kevin!

Jessica said...

Perfect warrior pose! Oh - Happy Birthday Kevin! :)

Jeremy Price said...

Happy birthday Kevin, we wish we could have spent it with you maybe one year. You sure are a handsome boy!