Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Lately this is what my life feels like.  I took these pictures last month.  The first one is what I could see out of our tall window early in the morning when I got up to make breakfast for the kids.  The second one I obviously took a few weeks later, but it was the last thing I looked at before I went to bed that night.

It just feels like my days are blurred together. They start too early and end way too late.  Blah!
I really need a vacation.  I don't think we've ever taken a real vacation--one that just involved traveling to a fun place for no reason at all other than just enjoyment and getting a break from the blahs of our every day life. 

I would love to hear about some of your vacation memories.  Where did you go?  What was your favorite vacation?  Why?  Just curious.


Delia said...

Oh man Janet. You are amazing.

Um...the only vacation we have taken just for fun was when I was pregnant with Reid two years ago. We took a little tax return money, traveled 2 hours south and bought a city pass. We spent three days going to all the local attractions: the zoo, the planetarium several times since it was by our hotel, the gardens (my favorite), etc. We planned to do as much as we could but kept in mind that if it wasn't working out we would just cut it out. It was the most fun we have had as a family. We stayed up late in the hotel eating out and doing things we don't do at home. We followed our own schedule and just did what was FUN...without pressure to do anything.

We still have very fond memories of that vacation and I think it strengthened our family. It was cheap because we went local. The city pass was like $30 per person. It got us a free dinner every night, and free admittance into everything over a three day period {which I think relieved a lot of the pressure to have to go go go}. We also really got to appreciate what our state has to offer.

Anonymous said...

A least you get to see a super fine man every night when he gets home from work! In some countries, that is the same as a vacation...


Nick said...

Of course you know we do the D-land thing every year. We always do a 3 day park hopper so we don't feel like we have to pack everything in in one day. It's still not the funnest to drive obviously, but we always take our time. This last Dec. when we went, I decided we needed a year off. It was so horrible with Christmas people there and we (B and I) didn't have fun. We did the city pass one year that was 3 D-land park hopper days, sea world, san diego zoo, and knott's. Knott's was great-no people/no lines. We loved that trip. We went with B's dad and step-mom and it was the best because we were able to take turns with kids. 2 yrs. ago we did Legoland while we were there and it was great. There aren't ever a lot of people there either and you can relax and do a lot. I'd like to do the San Diego thing again. I always love the beach. I would really like to go to the beach right now with just my husband. That would be so relaxing.