Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Job Searching

I have been job searching.  It is pretty humbling.  I haven't heard anything about the teacher aide position yet.  I have no idea how long it will take.  I'm beginning to look for jobs to do at night.  I figure I don't sleep much at night so if I get a few good naps in during the day maybe I can make it work.  I know, I sound like a crazy woman and I probably am just a little.

I am really thinking about going back to school sooner than later, so I'm just trying to figure out how we can make it all work!  Searching for jobs is interesting.  It takes up a lot of time for one thing.  Also, I find myself a little frustrated and discouraged at times because I have a college degree and I'm a smart person.  However, it's been a very long time since I've worked regularly and so sometimes it feels like I'm not qualified to do very much.  For all of you stay-at-home moms out there keep your skills up!  Also, it wouldn't hurt to keep familiar with microsoft office, excel, power point, etc.  It really hasn't been too long since I graduated from college, but to put things into perspective--when I was in school Al Gore had just barely invented the internet. ;)  We never did anything online.  Syllabus' were passed out the old fashioned way on good old fashioned paper, and all of our books came from the bookstore.  No one had e-mail, or really used it for school, etc.  Wow!  It makes it sound like the dark ages!

So, I will press on with the search and will let you know how things turn out!


Robyn said...

A job search engine that Stephen uses is

Delia said...

Good luck! I just had a friend graduate and then I thought about my own college graduation which just feels like a few years try SIX years ago. I still feel like I was just 23 last year. Seriously...

Which you are probably laughing at me by now. :) I know I am not old but life sure creeps up on you.

I wish you luck with everything!

Nick said...

Good luck! I think about how only a select few had cell phones in college and we definitely didn't have internet, either. It doesn't seem like that long ago...

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

What kind of job are you looking for? I know quite a few people at the City (here in McKinney)