Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer Vacation--Day One

The day started at 6:20am, when Kenzie decided it was time to get up.  Hopefully it won't be like that every morning, but it's hard to tell at this point.

Later that morning I rounded up the little girls and took them to the gym with me where I taught an aqua aerobics class.  I decided to use the restroom before heading to the pool and wouldn't you know it by some crazy 1 in a million chance my water bottle fell into the toilet!  Ugh!!!  Despite not having any water, my class went very well, with 15 people in attendance-an all time high!

After my class I cruised home and quickly got ready for an interview!!  Yes!  I interviewed for a paraprofessional position in a neighboring school district.  (That's a fancy way of saying 'teacher aide').  If I get the job I will be helping with 3 special education young men.  You may be thinking, only 3?!  However, I'm told that they are the most difficult students in the entire school district!  It could be interesting!

Pretty soon it was time to get chores done.

Kelly's task was to load and run the dishwasher.  Unfortunately, she got 'Liquid Dish Soap', confused for 'Gel Dishwasher Detergent'!

This was the result!  Actually, I should have waited to take the pictures because what you see here is nothing compared to the amount of bubbles and water that came out of the dishwasher.  We used up just about every single towel in the house!  And yes, water seeped through under the wall and soaked the carpet on the other side.  It was fabulous.  Hopefully you won't have to experience this first hand.  We had to run the rinse cycle on the dishwasher at least 3 times.  Not to mention rinsing a full, and I mean full, washing machine load of towels before I could even wash them!

Kevin earned the job of folding and putting away the towels.  (This was actually before the dishwasher incident.  If I had known what was going to happen I would have just let Kevin off the hook).  Anyway, I can see that we need a little more instruction on folding and putting away towels, because this is what the drawer looked like when he was done.

Kate's job was to clean her room so that we could vacuum.  When I went to check on her, this is what I found.  And no, her room wasn't almost done.  I spared ourselves greater humiliation by not taking pictures of that!

We did survive getting chores done and yes, by the end of the day we were successful.  I rewarded the kids by taking them to the park with the sprinklers.  Because I was flying solo with Justin at work I decided not to take the camera with me.  (Besides, how many pictures of my kids running through the sprinklers do you need to see?!).

It was definitely an interesting beginning to our summer.  However, I do not think it will be a preview of things to come.  Actually, I'm pretty hopeful about the summer and think it will go very well.  I'm going to try this approach.  It may be a little tough considering the broad spread of our children's educational levels, but I'm sure we can come up with something interesting and enjoyable for everyone.  I don't expect to be strict about schoolwork, but I think I will try to incorporate more than we used to.

Here's to a wonderful summer vacation!!


Delia said...

That summer school with Mom sounds pretty cool. What a story about the dish washer. I am pretty sure that one is going to be retold many times. She probably won't live that one down. :)

Unknown said...

The job sounds interesting!

And, that must have been a TON of bubbles. I still remember, when I was 12, the time I "warmed" the rolls in the microwave for FIVE minutes when I was trying to help . . . yeah, they were bricklike.

We should connect calendars and go to the museum with you guys!

Nick said...

I'm sorry about the first day. Doesn't it always seem that things go bonkers while they're trying to get used to a new schedule? I haven't looked at your link yet, but plan on it. My kids are already extrememly "bored" with summer break. Why is Kate hiding in the closet? Too funny. I love Kevin's drawer. I can't handle that yet so I fold, but make them put away. I really need to get over some of my anal tendencies with stuff like that.