Saturday, July 24, 2010

O Pioneer! And other Fun Tidbits

Before I begin, thank you to everyone for the photo tips.  Unfortunately I haven't met my picture limit yet and I can't even upload un-edited pictures.  I just can't get it.......

Anyways, Justin being the wonderful husband and father that he is, took the kids to the Pioneer Day activity this morning while I went to teach my exercise class.  The kids had a great time dressing up like pioneers--Kate decided to go more cowgirl, but who can blame her?!  If I could choose between jeans and an ankle length skirt I would definitely choose jeans.  Some of the activities they enjoyed were, making ice cream and butter--not together; they also enjoyed stick pulling games, arm wrestling, seed spitting contests, and they made corn husk dolls too.  Everyone had a great time!

A couple of other funny tidbits from the day:

Tonight at dinner Kevin says, "Hey mom, if I ever get a mechanical part of my body, like my hand and they make it look real; I'm going to have them put in a secret compartment.  So that if I'm ever in one of those business things and they try to blackmail me and capture me I can hide a lock pick and all sorts of things in there!"

Later in the evening Kate was having a healthy dose of hot sauce, (o.k. just a couple of drops) because she lied.  Actually, several lies in succession to try to get out of picking up a huge mess in her room.  She is sneaky, that one.  She tries to play all cute and innocent to see how much she can get away with.  As she was hopping up and down saying, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kenzie walks up and says, "Momma, hot sauce?"  As in, "Momma, can I have some hot sauce?"  She absolutely loves it!!  The "sassy sauce" is not going to work for Kenzie!

1 comment:

Delia said...

Ha ha. Kenzie sounds like she has Reid's tongue for spicy food. What a fun pioneer day party. Pioneer day is a lot like a second Fourth of July around here: parades, fireworks, carnivals.

Kevin's imagination is amazingly inventive.

Oh..and sorry to hear you are still having trouble with pictures. That totally stinks. I hope it gets worked out. You might be sick of advice but just in case:

If my pictures aren't loading properly. I close out of all internet windows and then I try again. Sometimes when I first log on it gives me trouble but if I log off and log on again it is better. OR...if I save draft and then go to edit posts and click on the drafted post again it works. Totally annoying but it works for me. This is probably just some more unwanted advice but just in case... :)