Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer Road Trip--Pictures

 Finally!!  Time is truly flying by and I haven't been able to add these pictures until now.  Even then, it has taken me a long time.  I tried to post some edited pictures, some cropped and touched up, but I got some weird message saying "server rejected".  I keep hoping that someday blogger will get easier to use.  How nice would it be to just drag and drop, or copy and paste pictures right into your post, right where you want them?!  Maybe.....someday.

Anyway, I digress....Here are some pictures from our trip.

Kevin and Kenzie zonked out in the hotel.

Kate, my early riser sleeping in the "cool fold-out couch bed."

Kelly and Kevin and their cousin having fun at Bass Pro Shop.

All but two of my parents grandchildren.  We sure missed those two!

At Ball Town Cemetery, Rich Hill Missouri.  This is the headstone of Martha K. and James A. Reese, my great-great-grandparents.

Kenzie talking with her cousin.  I just love this picture and the expression on their faces.

My mom was craving brownies, thanks to my BIL and my sister we made some and celebrated summer family birthdays.  Kenzie finally got to blow out the candles!

My Sisters, Mom and I pre-walk.  I was really bummed that I couldn't get my edited picture to upload.  It looks a lot better.

Kenzie came along for the ride.  She was a great sport.  Thanks to Justin for folding up this stroller and packing it in the van!  It was a huge help!

Us girls after the walk.  My sister next to me, and I are looking off to the side because Kate and her cousin were starting to wander off.  Again, I have a better post-edit picture but it wouldn't upload.  Oh well.  It was a great walk and I'm glad that we did it!

One afternoon I really just wanted to visit with my family so I had Kevin go around and take some pictures.  Here are some of the ones that he took.  It was a good opportunity for me to get "proof" that we really were all together; and it was good for Kevin to learn a few things about taking pictures.  These motivated a lesson on white balance settings, keeping the light behind you, and getting closer to your subject. :)


Delia said...

It is fun to see all those pictures!

Sorry that blogger is giving you grief. It has been on the fritz a bit for me too. Do you mind though if I ask what program you are using to edit your pictures? I know if I don't flatten my image in photoshop after adding layers it will not save as a jpg and therefore won't upload into blogger.

Kevin took some great pictures. I find that giving Owen the camera also keeps him entertained when he gets so bored he feels like he needs to pester everyone else until he isn't bored anymore. :) It sounds like he got some great lessons. You be honest I put my camera on auto white balance. I guess it is just laziness in me that I think...oh it is only off by a bit and I can just edit it. Lazy huh? Sounds like I need some lessons from Kevin. :)

Nick said...

I love Kenzie's pink shoes. And I love pictures of kids sleeping. It's when they're the nicest :) Glad you had a fun trip. FYI, JP is having his baptism Aug. 7th. He just wanted all the cousins to know even though he understands you can't make it.