Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm feeling ready to give up!

I still haven't been able to upload pictures.  I've tried posting the question in the Blogger help forum--it was absolutely no help at all!  Isn't there someway to just contact blogger directly and get some answers!  I am so frustrated and ready to just stop blogging altogether!! 

Any ideas?!!

1 comment:

Delia said...

How frustrating Janet! I am so sorry. I wish I could be there to possibly help trouble shoot...although I don't know that I would be much help. You could just start a new blog and link to this old one so you don't lose any info but that is WAY annoying.

I know the way in which I upload pictures has been changing lately. It seems like they are trying different things out. Especially if you are using draft then it is kind of like the beta blogger that they try everything out in.

It really is not uncommon for things to freeze up and for pictures not to upload for me. I just save what I have and go to edit posts, click on the post again, and try again. It probably happens once a day or every other day. Once I do that though it usually works every time. If it doesn't, I close out of all internet windows and try again but that would indicate to me that it was a different problem not necessarily related to blogger. Have you tried that?

Or...oh oh. If I upload a picture it won't show up except for a little picture icon. I save and then go to edit posts, then I click on the post again. When I add pictures I can usually find what I have uploaded way at the bottom of all the pictures in the pop up window. I hope that makes sense. Maybe we can talk over the phone if you have questions.

One last remote possibility is if you have a filter on your computer. It may be interfering with downloads and uploads. Just a thought that might help just in case! good luck!