Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Growing Pains

O.k. still no picture solution.  Some people have switched back and forth from old to new and back again and that has worked-but only for a little while.  Others have created a new blog and then just linked them together--no thanks.  I'm seriously considering switching to wordpress.  I don't know...we'll see.

In other things.....

Kelly has a friend next door.  This girl is a little older than Kelly, well almost a year and a half older, but anyway they are in the same grade.  It's nice that Kelly has found a friend and you gotta love that she lives so close.  However, this girl has a computer (and t.v.) in her room.  There's nothing wrong with that.  My kids know that they won't ever get their own t.v. or computer in their room until they move out on their own.

The problem is this.  For safety reasons we told Kelly that she's not allowed to play computer in closed rooms.  I would prefer that the computer be in the kitchen or family room or something like that.  So she worked it out with her friend that they'd open her door when they were using her computer.

You're probably asking--so what's the problem?

This girls parents are irritated by the noise.  Because they can hear everything that is going on, it's too distracting for what they're trying to do and they can't get work done, etc., etc., etc.

So let me get this don't want to know what your teenage daughter is doing on her computer behind her closed door.  REALLY?!

Am I the only one who thinks that there is just something wrong about this?

So, no more computer for Kelly while she's at this girl's house.  It's not that I don't trust Kelly, I'm undecided about her friend, but it doesn't take much for something undesirable to pop up on your computer even if you're not looking for it.  Not only that I firmly believe that no one is excempt from temptation.

Well even though it's annoying for Kelly to try to hang out with her friends in our tiny house while her siblings are bugging her every minute--we may just have to start making sure that the hanging out happens more at our house.  That's really what I always wanted for our kids.  I just imagined it in a bigger house so that it was enjoyable for everyone.  Oh well.

I wonder what else we will have to address and figure out as our children grow up.  On second thought, I don't want to think about it yet.



Nick said...

Yeah, ours would never have one in a closed room either. We have one in the playroom (our old one), but the door is always open, and there's no internet up there. Her parents don't sound very involved if they aren't concerned about what she could be doing. Anyway, good for you for sticking to your guns.

Delia said...

Have you tried the logging out and starting over with an already created post yet? Just wondering because you didn't mention trying that. you have a computer filter?

I think you should follow your gut. I grew up with a computer and TV in my room and we had internet connection everywhere. It was never a problem for me. It was also before the information age with everyone trying to push sex on the computer. Now...especially with my boys...we will never allow them to have that...of course not. But it doesn't necessarily mean that Kelly's friend is a bad influence because she does have those things. If I were Kelly's friend and I knew that her mom preferred us to be at her house to play the computer I would be fine with that. Chances are your house is more fun to that friend because you are involved caring parents. Kids act like they don't like that, but secretly they crave it...Especially kids that are in a household of hands off, busy me I know. :) I loved being at friends' houses that had nice, cool parents who asked about me and cared about what we did.

Robyn said...

Katey has a computer in her room but not before we had it in a common area for many, many years. Also, we installed software on the computer that monitors and limits where she can go and do. We started with Net Nanny which depending on the word, wouldn't pull up sites. (Caused a problem occasionally because she would not always know how to spell a word and her guess put it too close to words that weren't acceptable!) Now we use a Norton online program that sends us information about all that Katey does on the computer.

Dianne K. Nelson said...

I've used blogger for years and never had to pay to post pictures, nor have I ever filled things up, and I post a lot of pictures that are huge files.

Perhaps if you didn't use the pretty picture backgrounds?

How are you posting pictures--through picasa? I don't even have a picasa account (that I know of) I just post using the blogger template/dashboard. I guess I'm just confused and want to help, but I don't know how!

Take Care--Love you!