Thursday, August 12, 2010

Frisco Fire Safety Town

A couple of weeks ago the kids and I took a field trip to Fire Safety Town. Although it was really hot we had a good time exploring the miniature town. Kevin is wearing gloves because he had some blisters that were healing. Sadly he couldn't find matching gloves--shocker! The big kids got to ride bikes around the town as if they were cars--obeying traffic lights and everything. The girls and I were pedestrians to help those on bikes obey the traffic laws; Kelly decided that she was too cool to ride bikes. We had a great time and love visiting this place.
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Unknown said...

YAY! Pictures! Hope it keeps working for you!

Delia said...

I am so glad the pictures are working for you! What a fun place to go!

Mom said...

Yea Pictures! Kate is getting so tall!

Janet said...

The only way I could get this to work was if I started in Picasa first. As you can see my collage is too big--there is a picture of Kenzie in there. But when I try to edit it I can't change the size or anything. Blogging straight from Picasa is not as good as just posting from my blog. I don't know I still feel frustrated about it. Hence, the comment on my own post that probably no one will read. :)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day! It is my favorite blog EVER! Everything you do is art.
Keep on fighting through it. Your posts brighten my day.

Your lifetime admirer and biggest fan!


Mom said...

I read it.

Delia said...

I read it too! :) It sounds like you are having such a frustrating time. I wish I could help more.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures -- even unmatched gloves, why is that so endearing?? Thanks for sharing your blog -- I feel like I'm back "home" with all of you. Hugs to all!
Mom Teresa and Grandma T