Saturday, August 28, 2010

We Survived!

I'm happy to report that we survived the first week of school.  Things I have learned from this week:

1).  Any and all chore assignments during the week are completely thrown out!  Oh, our kids will still help out around the house.  I've just given up on any assigned chores to get done everyday.  It's just too much to worry about along with everything else.

2).  Kids who wake up at 6:15 am need to go to bed by 8:00 pm--sadly we never met this goal last week, but it gives us something to look forward to for next week.

3).  I need to come up with easier dinner plans.  It's no wonder so many people eat fast food.  I want to give a huge thank you to my close friend Sheila for surprising us with dinner on our first day!  It was wonderful and a a great blessing!  Thank you!

4).  If I pack a good sized lunch for the kids they hardly eat any of it, resulting in eating it at home.  This means that at 5:00 pm no one is hungry!  But if I pack a smaller lunch they eat it all and are starving--resulting in eating a big snack once they get home.  Which also means not being hungry for dinner at 5:00 pm.  I just can't win!

5).  Text messaging back and forth with kids and hubby during the day is fabulous!  I'm so happy that we have this available to us to keep tabs on where everyone is during the day, etc.

5 Days down, only 172 more to go!!


Delia said...

You are so resilient and positive. I have heard of some working moms doing the freezer or early prep meals. They prep everything - cook meat, cut veggies, etc. on one day like Saturday. They then assemble and freeze some meals and the rest is all ready in the fridge so they can throw it together quickly during the week. Just a thought.

I agree with chores being a hassle. It is really such a task staying on top of kids doing their chores. If I was working I would likely throw them out too.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

YAY!! Way to go and you are SO right on all points. And props to Sheila she is SO thoughful!

Nick said...

We have the same lunch issues! And now with football practice at 6pm every night (hello, right at dinner time), I don't want to cook. We end up eating corn dogs, mac and cheese (whatever you want basically) a lot. It's really lame. I'm glad you're getting back into the swing of things. It gets overwhelming for awhile! I'm right there with you-except I don't go out to work everyday, zo you're amazing!

Anonymous said...

I've pbeen praying for all of you all week!! I'm so glad that things went relatively well. Way to go, Justin, helping Janet with the first week!! I love that Kate thought her school was called "Kindergarten"!! She's so right on, as usual!! How is Kenzie managing without her mom all day? I love and miss you all and love your posts!!
Mom Teresa and Grandma T