Saturday, September 4, 2010

Random Pictures


Kevin, after I tricked him to yank out his tooth. ;)


This is one of the few pictures I took at the pool this summer.  In case you are wondering, that is sand in the pool.  We have a unique "beach" pool in our neighborhood that is mostly surrounded by sand.  The kids love it!

Kelly and her friend leading the parade at our annual Pioneer Day Celebration.

Kate did not want to have anything to do with long skirts this year.  She was all about being a cowgirl. :) 

I had to take pictures of Kate's outfit this day.  This wasn't for anything in particular, she just felt like wearing this today.  You gotta love this girl's sense of style.

1 comment:

Delia said...

Oh my...Kate is just so cute. I love the mismatched socks.

I love Kevin's semi-toothless grin too. Wonderful pictures Janet!