Saturday, August 21, 2010

Weekly Update

Warning--this is a little long, sorry.  Before I begin--a couple items of business.   

1)  I am embarrassed and a little ashamed to admit that my picture problem really is due to the fact that I have filled up all of my "free" space and need to purchase a little more.  I didn't figure this out in the normal, direct way that you think you would.  It wasn't until I was trying something else in a round-about way that I discovered that was really the problem.  OOOPs!  Notice I haven't purchased new space yet but will soon.

2)  If you have been wondering where I've been I'm sorry that I haven't posted sooner and that I haven't left regular comments on your own blog.  I still have to figure out how to fit blogging regularly into my schedule.

Anyway I'm not sure how to describe this past week for me.  If I could remember the rules for writing a haiku or cinquain maybe I would do it that way.  Some words that come to mind.....overwhelming, exciting, embarrassing, confusing, interesting and overwhelming again.  Yes, it definitely needs to be mentioned twice.

But before I go any farther I have to give some major props to my incredible hubby who used his paid time off this week to be home with our kids while I went to work.  It was such a relief to know that I didn't have to worry about what was going on at home!  Not only that when I walked in the door the house was picked up and the kids were happy.  He was such a blessing for me this week!  In fact right now they are all playing Pictureka together.  He is amazing!

It was definitely interesting to switch roles for a little while.  I don't know who is going to be the mom when we're both at work...but I'm sure we'll figure something out. 

I sat through hours of training and classes to familiarize all teachers at the school on certain procedures and expectations.  Sadly, most of this did not really apply to me or the classroom that I will be working in--but I did gain greater insight into all that teachers are responsible for and all that they have to do for a successful year.  I hated the fact that I had know idea who anyone was, or where things were in the school, or what the hundreds of acronyms that teachers use actually mean.  I honestly felt at times that I had somehow traveled to a foreign country with a completely opposite language and set of customs and yet I needed to fit in and flow as if I was a native.  Whew!  Not to mention how exhausting it was to get up early in order to have time to do my hair and make-up and make sure that my clothes were ironed, etc.  (Yes today I am so happy to admit that I did not do my hair or make-up, it was great!)

Despite all of this I am hopeful for a great year.  We have been blessed with great babysitters and carpool arrangements for the kids and although it will not be easy I really think that this will be a great year for us.

Switching gears....Yesterday we celebrated Kelly's 12th birthday!  Where has the time gone!  We didn't have a big party, just had some friends over for dinner and ice cream.  Kelly is so easy going that she didn't mind postponing a friend party for a little while until things settle down a little.  During dinner we shared some of our favorite memories of Kelly.  It was so fun remembering what makes Kelly so unique and I just felt so grateful that she chose to come to our family.

Things like:

5 year-old Kelly telling her grandparents that she went to "Water Slide Elementary School where they wear swimsuits and ride water slides all day," because she couldn't remember what her school was called and didn't want her grandparents to know.

When we brought 2 1/2 year old Kelly to the hospital to meet Kevin and were worried that she would be upset by a new addition to our family.  We were staged and ready for a present for her from Kevin and made sure that my arms were open and ready to hug and love on her. But she didn't want any of that. She came into the room asking, "Where's my Kevin?"  Then of course after holding him for about 30 seconds, practically tossing him out of her arms to look for her present.

I also thought about when Kelly and Kevin were little and happily playing together in the other room.  I had one of those warm, fuzzy moments where I was feeling so blessed and happy that my children were playing so well together.  Then I went around the corner to check on them only to find them with tinker toys up their noses. :)

Her big gift this year was a cell phone of her own.  I know.  Justin and I really would have rather waited a few more years, however with both of us working and Kelly having to ride her bike home from school among other just seemed like whether we were ready or not, now was a good time for her to get one.  We've already had to tell her not to text or call us from upstairs.  We've also had to tell her not to text us with "ru there?" just to text.  I'm sure once the novelty has worn off a little that will help.  We are definitely exploring new waters with this one and are hopeful that it will go well.  She knows the consequences if it doesn't.  And really we're not too worried about her.  She is pretty responsible.

Thank you for making it this far with this long post!  I wish everyone everywhere a great beginning of the new school year!  Good Luck everyone!

1 comment:

Delia said...

That was so fun to read Janet. I wish you and the whole family best wishes as you get the new changes underway. I can't imagine having to get really ready...everyday. That alone would exhaust me. And a new job. That is such a daunting experience. I always feel out of place and ultra sensitive when I start a new job. So stressful. You are amazing. Really you are.

and... Happy Birthday to Kelly!