Monday, August 16, 2010


Today was my first official day at my new job--a special education teacher's aide.  It was not difficult, (I'm just training and getting prepared; school doesn't start until next week).  However as I drove home I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and a little discouraged.  This is such a big change for me and for my family!  I wonder if I will really be able to succeed.  I worry and wonder how we're all going to manage as the kids go back to school and everyone's schedule gets crazy.  Not only do I have to make sure that my kids have clothes and shoes that fit I also have to get new school clothes, (as much as I'd like too--wearing workout clothes just won't cut it).  How will we do it?!

Well, as I was checking e-mail and feeling sorry for myself, etc. I got an update from an old friend of mine.  Here is her story:

At the time I met her she and her husband had three beautiful children; her youngest was about 8.  They had wanted more children, but it just didn't work out like they thought it would.  Then after about a year--they happily discovered that they were expecting again, a little girl that they named Sarah.  Sadly, Sarah was stillborn.  To say they were crushed is a huge understatement!  At this time in my friend's life she was told that she really would not have anymore children.  They humbly accepted that fact and pressed on with life.

Imagine their inexpressible surprise and joy to find out that they were expecting again!  This time the pregnancy was a success and they were blessed with a little boy.  It was such a wonderful time in their lives!

However, life we know, is not always smooth sailing.  About 10 months later her husband was laid off.  I'm not sure how long it took him, but thankfully he did find another job.

About a year after their son was born my friend was diagnosed with breast cancer, that she discovered from a self exam!  (Note to all women out there keep checking yourself!)  It turned out to be pretty serious.  After about 5 rounds of chemotherapy--hair loss and all, she underwent a double mastectomy.  Now remember she has a toddler at home, plus 3 older children!

Thankfully, about a year after her diagnosis she is doing much better.  They are getting ready to take their oldest daughter to college next week.

Then again, the bomb drops--her husband was laid off last week!  On top of that she is preparing herself to undergo the first of 3 reconstructive surgeries.

So I ask myself--how can I feel discouraged over my little problems?! 

Through all of these things our friends have remained hopeful and positive.  They have set an incredible example for me and my family.  I feel honored to say that I know them.  My heart goes out to them.  Getting her update definitely helped me to put things into perspective.  I hope that I can be half as hopeful and faithful as she and her family are.  Out of respect for them and their privacy I have left out their names, but I do ask that you please, if you are inclined to pray.  Please pray for this family.  Heavenly Father will know who you are praying for.


Delia said...

That is a really touching story. Thanks for sharing. Good luck with the new job and the start of school.

Unknown said...

You are going to do splendidly at your new job! Good luck!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

You will be fine. You can pull it off. Many people freak out at the thought of going back into the workplace but things have a way of just falling into place. Have fun at your new job :)

Anonymous said...

Every new challenge we face in life is frightening, Janet. But as the others have told you, YOU WILL DO GREAT!!! And your family will adjust and be blessed because you asked the Lord for His counsel before even considering this opportunity. Know that my love and prayers (and complete confidence) will be with you. Love and hugs to all of you!
Mom Teresa

Nick said...

Thank you for sharing this story. I feel sorry for myself just about everyday about something totally insignificant. I know you'll do great in your new job! Everything will work itself out, you just need to get used to your new school schedule.