Saturday, September 25, 2010

Better Late than Never

We celebrated Justin's birthday this month.  We love you Justin!  We are so grateful to be a part of your life.

What a handsome guy!!
For his birthday he wanted to take a day trip to Austin and visit some places showcased on the t.v. show, "Man vs. Food."

First stop:  Round Rock Donuts!  As soon as we pulled up the delicious aroma of the donuts filled the air.  We knew we were in for a treat and all of us couldn't wait to taste them!

This is the "World Famous Texas Donut."  As tempted as I was to eat a whole one by myself, I did not.  Instead we ordered an assorted dozen which worked out perfectly, with 6 people in our family everyone got two.  I think my favorite were the original glazed, which when purchased from somewhere else, (even Krispy Kreme) are always a little disappointing, or just not as good.  But these were amazing!  If you ever visit Austin, TX I highly recommend you try some.

Yes, I did rotate this picture before uploading--I don't know what happened.  This table is the same one that Adam Richman sits at on his show which totally thrilled the kids.  You know, it's the little things in life. ;)

From this picture you think that it's a big place, but it really isn't.  And being a Saturday it was pretty busy.  Thankfully we could sit outside.  Going anywhere with four kids you never know what is going to happen, (or who you will annoy).

After Round Rock Donuts we took the kids to Austin's Outdoor Nature Preserve which is part of the 347 acre Zilker Park.  Unfortunately this was the only picture that I took while we were there.  It's not great, but what you see is the huge dinosaur pit complete with shovels for the kids to dig and see what they can find.  Unfortunately, we didn't stay as long as we would have because it started raining.  One of the best parts was that admission was free!

Since it was raining a little here and there we headed to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum next.   It was pretty cool to see and experience things from our history.  Unfortunately as I mention before when you go places with all for kids you never know what will happen or who you will annoy, so it was a pretty quick tour for us.  I wouldn't mind going back again sometime when we can spend a little more time and actually read the captions with each display.  Again, free admission!  Love it!

Probably the coolest thing for the kids was this huge fountain in front of the library.  More pictures of that to follow.

Thanks to Kevin we have these pictures from inside the museum.  Justin and I were too busy keeping track of everyone to really take any pictures.

I'm not sure if you can tell, but this is made up of various election/political buttons from the era.  Can you see Kevin's reflection?

As promised, the fountain pictures.  The kids were fascinated by this fountain.  And Kelly was tempted to roll down the big hill behind it, however since it had rained it was wet and muddy--thank goodness!

I love Kate's expression in this picture!

Kenzie was fascinated by the acorn she found underneath one of the huge oak trees that  surrounded the grassy area.  (They were amazing tree house trees.  I wanted to take one home with me and plant it in the backyard so that I could hang a swing in it).  I was trying to get her to really open her hand and show me, but this was the best that I could get.

The last stop on the trip was to the famous Salt Lick restaurant.  It was so exciting for the kids to visit a place like this that they had seen on t.v.  The atmosphere was inviting and pulled you in.  Even those who aren't huge fans of BBQ will look forward to tasting some of the delicious fare offered at the Salt Lick. 

I think my favorite was the brisket.  I think everyone else's was the ribs. 

Our day trip for Justin's birthday truly was, to quote the kids, one of "the best days ever!"  As we drove home Kevin said, "Food does taste better after you've seen it on 'Man vs. Food'."  It was so funny!  We had a great time and can't wait to do it again. 


Delia said...

What a fun birthday and great pictures. Happy Birthday Justin!

Nick said...

What a cool birthday! We love that show here. We also love "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" which has highlighted 3 of our places here! Anyway, I really want a giant donut and some of those cupcakes now. :) Oh, and I don't think I'm ever a bag of tea-mostly just a carrot or egg.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

We'll have to try all those places!
Thanks for the tips. We especially like to eat....errr try places out that come out on tv.
We drove to Albuquerque and ate at the Dog House which was featured on Diners, Dives and Drive-inns.
Food is best when featured on TV :D

Robyn said...

Happy Belated Birthday Justin. It looks like you all had an awesome day!

I'll have to remember some of the places you went for when we visit Austin again.