Monday, October 4, 2010

Top 5 At 9

In an effort to keep up I'm trying something new.  The top 5 at 9:00 pm, (or thereabouts) for today is as follows, in no particular order:

1).  Kelly was a rock start tonight at her fall choir performance.  She is part of the all-girl concert choir in her school.  They performed 3 different songs-my favorite one was a creative rendition of "Peter Piper."  It was really cool. 

2).  I've been daydreaming of doing handstands.  When I was younger I was doing handstands and cartwheels....all...the...time!  Just ask my parents.  I'm sure there were some days when I spent more time on my hands than I did on my feet.  (I do have pictures to prove this, however, in the best interest of time I'll have to scan them and share them later.)  Anyway, since I spend time sitting through high school classes such as history, science, english, etc.  I have found my thoughts wandering off and I day dream of getting up and going to some corner of the classroom and doing handstands.  Crazy!!  I know.  Do you ever day dream?  ;)

3).  Tonight I ran for 20 minutes and then followed that up with a little yoga.  It was great!  Since I no longer get paid to exercise it has really been hard to make time to exercise.  I'm hoping to make a habit of it....but hesitate to commit just yet.  That's a little sad, I know.  I'm just hopeful.

4).  Kudos again to Kelly who tried out and secured a part in her school's upcoming production of "CSI Neverland."  I'm not exactly sure what it will be about, but I have a good feeling that it's going to be really funny.  She is playing the part of the bear.  I wish I had more info on that.  We'll just have to wait and see.

5).  Last, but certainly not least, I'm typing this to the sound Justin doing the dishes for me!  He has been so amazingly supportive as I have gone to work full time.  I certainly couldn't make it through anything without him!  I love you!

Have a great week everyone!


Nick said...

I randomly have the urge sometimes to do cartwheels! I always thought I was a loon, but yay I'm not! Thanks for your support with JP. I'm still struggling with the idea that he might be stuck this way forever. It breaks my heart for him. And yay for awesome supportive husbands. I have one of those too! :)

Delia said...

This was really entertaining to read. Kelly is such a fun girl.

That is kind of crazy that you have the urge to do handstands. :)