Saturday, September 4, 2010

Random Pictures Part Two

Chocolate Mint Brownies.....YUM!

She was enjoying this so much!  I couldn't help but take pictures of her.

(Don't worry, it completely washed out of her clothes.)

Kelly went to a church activity that was an international feast.  She found this recipe from Switzerland for "Zopf", or bread and made it by herself.

Justin and I gave her pointers here and there, but for the most part she made it all herself.

We are so proud of you Kelly!  Her bread tasted delicious too!

These pictures are from the morning of Kelly's birthday.  I had to work that day so she agreed to wake up early to open presents.  This was taken after she opened her big gift--a cell phone!

For a special treat we made cinnamon rolls for her birthday breakfast.  They were sooooo good!

Happy Birthday!

This is from the first day of school.  If it looks dark outside thats because it was.  We have to leave the house at 7 am to get everyone where they need to be on time.  When I woke Kate up she said, "We have to go to school in the middle of the night?!"  Kelly is not pictured because she was still in bed.  Her school starts later in the day and it works out perfectly for Justin to drop her off.


Delia said...

Wow...good job Kelly. I am so impressed with her bread. You are such a great mom to make her cinnamon rolls when you have to work and everything.

I love Kate's comment on waking up in the middle of the night. :) That is really cute. I was talking to a friend who has morning Kindergarten and they have to get up early too (but not LEAVE by 7 am - holy cow). She has to wake her son to get going. I keep thinking as I read about Moms having to wake their kids for school how it is just so funny that I have the kid that wouldn't have to be woken up for school because he is up at 6:30 -7 or earlier on his own everyday...but we have PM Kindergarten. :)

Kenzie is looking so much older. What an adorable girl. SHe really looks like she is enjoying that brownie batter.

Anonymous said...

I knew Kenzie was "my girl"!! Lovin that mint choclate taste, eh, Kenzie!!! Nothin else compares, does it? It's even better in ice cream!!! I left a message on Justin's phone last week and on your home phone today. How has the second week of school gone? I love the pictures! Tell Kevin he's a stud with that tooth missing!! And ask Kate if it's OK if I copy her stripes outfit!! It's designer material!! And Kelly, Holy Cow -- what happened?? You've grown UP overnight -- or over summer -- it would seem!! I love and miss you all -- group hugs from Granda T, OK??
Mom Teresa and Grandma T

pianogal said...

The brownie pictures are so sweet! You have such a beautiful family. Hope all is going well with your busy schedule. Let's get together soon!

Nick said...

Kelly looks so grown up. I can't believe you were pregnant with her when we got married. And what an amazing girl with her bread making! I love love love Kenzie's blond hair! I love messy pictures. They're so fun. Kevin looks so cute without his tooth!

Nick said...

I just saw the rest of the pictures. I love Kate's outfit. I used to wear 5 shades of red because they were all red so of course they matched. Peanut does that sometimes. Jo Jo likes to hide in a cupboard in our upstairs bathroom that is empty. So fun. Kate looks so cute in the pool too.