Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This is what happens when Kenzie has a short nap....she falls asleep right as we're trying to get out the door.

It didn't take her long to wake up and get right into the swing of things.  Here's one of her prizes from our church carnival, lips with one of those whistle noise makers inside.  All of our kids had fun with these.

Kevin was so excited about this costume, especially the black hair spray! 

He makes a great Superman if I do say so myself!

Sadly, this is the only picture that I took of Kate.  Thanks again JP for the beautiful ballerina skirt!

Every year Kelly wants to dress up as something scary.  This year she got her wish...a ghost.  She came up with this costume all by herself.  It's hard to tell but we actually used a whole can of white hairspray on her hair.

Woooooo!  So Scary! ;)
I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

The kids look AMAZING! Thank you for posting pics!

Love you!


Delia said...

Fun pics! Kevin looks awesome with that black hair! :)

Robyn said...

The costumes look Awesome!! It looks like everyone had a fun time.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Those costumes are great. Especially Kelly! I always want to be something scary too :)

David and Stacey said...

Colleen Milletts caramel Apples

Makes 70 apples with 9 bags of chocolate

2 1/2 c. brown sugar
1 cube salted butter
1 c. karo syrup light
combine in saucepan or double boiler set timer for 7min. until it iis at hard boil stirring constantly then add

1 cup eagle brand sweet cond. milk

cook for 10 min or until it comes to a full boil. No longer-set aside until to cool off a little. put sticks in washed and DRIED apples and twist in apples remoce excess caramel with knife or side of saucepan. then place on cookie sheet with aluminum foil sprayed with PAM (essential) Put in fridge and chill for at least 1 hour until really cold. Then fold up caramel up over apples then dip in chocolate. Take white chocolate from Michaels white vanilla chips (2 bags) and 1 T. shortening, melt in saucepan on med to low heat. Shake excess choc off. Mix 1/2 cinnamon and 1/ sugar sprinkle on top. and sprinkle on top of apples and put in fridge until set and cold. YUM!