Sunday, November 7, 2010

There Are No Words

There are no words both for my completely messy desk, and the fact that Kenzie got into my purse and ruined my favorite lipstick.  She doesn't look too torn up about it.  She seems pretty proud of herself.  I know what you're thinking Mom--total paybacks!  And you are right.  I have ruined my share of lipsticks when I was young.  I was so frustrated when I saw her like this, but then I remembered--get some pictures!  And now, although I totally miss my lipstick, it's pretty funny when I see these pictures.

I have wanted to post more last week-you know, my "Top 5" thing, but I was sick, sick, sick!  Justin had been out of town for 10 days.  It is just so much more difficult when he is out of town.  I walked around the Saturday before Halloween with a low fever all day.  I can't remember the last time I had a fever--that's how sick I was.  Thankfully I was able to take a couple of days off of work, but this is the first night in over a week that I am not coughing every couple of minutes.  We are all so glad that he is home!

Here are a couple of highlights and glimpses into my daily life from the last week or so.

Kevin wants to be an inventor/engineer when he grows up and a part-time rock star on the side.

Kate was looking at a Target Holiday Toy Catalogue and of course wanted everything!  She turned to me and said, "I know what to do Mom!  If you don't have money, you just order it for Christmas!  Santa will get it for you!" :)

Kenzie said to me the other day as I was walking downstairs a little ahead of her, "Wait for me Mom!  I know, I know, I'm coming, just be pasent."  Where did that come from?  I had no idea that she knew what "being patient" even meant!

Here's to a healthier, happier week!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! That's a cute pic of Kenzie. She's so adorable how can ANYONE stay mad at her? ;)

Robyn said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better. It's hard being sick when you are a Mom especially when hubby is not there to help!

Hope you have an awesome week!

Love the pictures of Kenzie. She looks so cute!

Delia said...

I am so sorry you have been sick. Yay for Justin being home and for getting better. awesome. :)

Kate...yo...I wish sista. Especially stuff from Target.

Have a great, better, healthier week!