Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Learning Things the Hard Way

1).  Kelly learned that if you don't put things into the crock pot on time your dinner won't be ready when it's time to eat.  O.k. let me clarify.  The kids had a half day of school today.  I thought it would be a good idea (and not too hard) for Kelly to put some potatoes into the crock pot so we could have "baked" potatoes for dinner tonight  She did everything that I had directed, just not right when she got home.  So some of us had left-overs for dinner and others had microwaved potatoes.  (Don't worry, we did not put them in plastic bags--I have issues about plastic in the microwave).

2).  Kevin learned that if you waste your afternoon watching t.v. instead of doing your homework you will have to do it later in the evening when you'd rather not.  Additionally, if you have to go to the youth activity with your family because Dad's out of town and your Mom tells you to bring your homework with you to get it done then you had better bring everything you need--like an eraser to get it done.  This probably means another late night tomorrow trying to get everything done for Friday.

3).  I learned that I really need to double check with the 12 & 13 year old girls what they really have in mind for their activity and what their expectations for the evening include before we actually have the activity.  Sadly, this thought didn't occur to me until after the activity was over and we all realized that things didn't go as well as they would have liked, or at all how they had planned it.  I am a little out of practice with youth activities because I haven't been in a position where I was in charge for a long time.  (It didn't help that I had all of my children with me).  I'm hoping that things will go much better next time.

4).  No matter how many times I do it, I just can't seem to learn that when you run yourself ragged you will get sick.  I have totally lost my voice and I'm planning to spend all of Saturday in bed!  I seriously can't wait!

5).  Kenzie learned that if you play with your gum it will get stuck all over your fingers and even in your chubby little neck creases.  I learned that no matter how desperate I am for my kids to behave during a youth activity, I really should not resort to giving my two-year-old some gum.

Thank goodness this day is over and we are on the downhill slope of this week!  Hallelujah!


Delia said...

Ha ha. Janet. I was totally waiting for you to say she got it stuck in her hair too so it's good it didn't get that far I guess.

About the potatoes. I have never put them in the crock pot. That is really cool. I will have to try that. And I also have never heard of putting them in plastic when you microwave them. I just fork them and nuke them...but they do get a little wrinkly and sure don't look as appetizing.

Do you mind if I ask what your calling is? I love serving the youth but of all the callings I have had, this one is stretching me the most.

I am so sorry that you're sick. Hopefully you can get some rest before Saturday too!

Mom said...

You need you Nana!