Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I am not Wonder Woman

Without further ado, tonight's Top Five at Nine:

#1 and the best compliment of the day......A student that I work with told me today that if I was 56 years old I would be hot!  *Insert huge, rolling on the floor belly laugh!*  It took me a significant amount of self control to not bust out laughing and thankfully another teacher stepped in to tell him that what he said was inappropriate and that it was rude to talk to a teacher like that.  Wooo Hooo I'm still laughing. :)

2).  When I got home Kevin was really excited to tell me about this great John Denver song he wanted to show me on Youtube--"Thank God I'm a Country Boy."  It made me smile as a flood of happy memories from my childhood flashed before me at the mention of John Denver.  Even now I can picture his happy smile, blonde hair and huge 70's glasses.  Good times!  Imagine Kevin's surprise when I told him that I knew who that was and even sang some of the song with him.  It was great!

3).  My score for running and yoga nights is as follows-- 2 times last week and zero times this week.  As much I as want to do it all, I've just come to the realization that I am not Wonder Woman--darn it! ;) I keep thinking that someday I will have more time to get things done.  I mean eventually my children won't need too much help getting stuff (i.e. homework, chores, getting dressed, fed, etc.) done right?  Actually, don't tell me--let me just hang on to that wish and use it to keep me going.

4).  Am I the worst mom in the world for forgetting to sign Kevin up for a cub scout day camp this weekend?  I mean I got the information about it a while ago and was like, "When is that? October?  I've got plenty of time."  At that point I quickly put the information back in the dark and dusty corner of my mind and did not remember until yesterday.  Tonight I was looking for the e-mail about it and realized that it was in fact planned for this weekend and when did I get the e-mail?  A month ago!  Ugh I am so busted!

5).  Speaking of Kevin, tonight was his 4th Grade's Pow Wow Presentation.  (Thankfully I didn't forget that one!)  They've been studying the Native American tribes that first settled Texas.  Their music teacher--who is totally awesome, (reminds me of another wonderful music teacher who recently retired--hint, hint, Grandma Randall), helped the classes put together a very informative and entertaining program to share what they have learned.  The students used drums and other percussion instruments and really did a great job!  What I also loved about it was that it didn't drag on and on.  Everyone got to participate in one way or another, but it wasn't the "neverending" elementary school program.  I actually took a short video during the program, but after hours of waiting it wouldn't upload.  Maybe next time!


Delia said...

You workout? Oh...I should do that sometime. :) I am trying to be better too.

You are not the worst mom in the world for forgetting day camp.

THanks for your sweet comments. I love these Five at Nine posts. :)

Anonymous said...

Janet! Don't forget that you are an awesome Mom! I can't believe all that you accomplish... working full time and being a mom full time! Thanks for the sweet comment about the music teacher! You are very dear!

Love, A

Robyn said...

I too love the 9-5 blogs. I can't believe all that you accomplish! It's amazing.