Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Little Known Facts

Tonight's top 5 consist of little known facts about me. 

1.  I am a sucker for red shoes.  I don't know what it is, but I love red shoes!  I am a little embarrassed to admit that I only have one pair, but if I could, I would probably have one red pair in every style of shoe imaginable.  Something about red shoes just makes me happy.

2.  When I feel like I'm in a stressful moment with my kids, instead of saying something like, "Calgon take me away!" or "Bleeding Hearts of the World Unite!"  I will start humming or singing "Zippidy Doo-daw".  That is probably spelled totally wrong, but that doesn't really matter.  The fact is, I use that song to help me keep my cool and try not to yell at my kids.  It started when I just had Kelly I think, and she was little and I of course always wanted to set the perfect example and not have her sweet innocence forever scarred from witnessing her mother have a total melt down in front of her because she was taking off her shoes and socks...again, or something like that.  Don't get me wrong, I do yell at my kids way more than I should, and yes on occasion ugly words have come out of my mouth too.  But I really try to start with "Zippidy Doo-daw" first.  I mean how mad can you really be when you're singing, "My oh my what a wonderful day!"?   It's too bad that I can't use this at work.  Well, not out loud anyway. ;)

3.  I took several years of French in High School and even college.  At one point I even thought about minoring in French.  Do you think I could speak it now?!  Sadly I can only remember just un peu, a little.  Maybe I will take it up again someday.  I think if I were to learn another language these days I would go for Portugese instead, because it has similiarities to French and Spanish-or so I'm told.

4. When I was in junior high and high school I was always climbing onto the roof of our house.  Of course my mother hated it--what mother wouldn't?  But I loved going up there and being up so high, (it was a two story house).  I could see so much of the world around me and I just felt so calm and reassured.  This time of year was one of my favorites to climb on the roof and soak up all of the beautiful fall colors.  We lived in Oregon and the trees were magnificent!

5. I didn't learn to swim until I was 9 years old.  *Insert Gasp*  What can I say?  We lived in the Pacific Northwest and it wasn't like there were swimming pools all over the place.  At one point our neighbors did have a pool and we would mooch swimming invitations all of the time.  Well one day I was trying my hardest to just stay in the shallow end, but I couldn't help it! I was so tempted to see what it was like in the deep end.  After having to be rescued by my neighbor's mom--totally humiliating by the way.  My mom signed me up for lessons--thanks again mom!  I'm happy to report that I have been swimming very well ever since!

Well you know a little more about me.  What is a little known fact about you?

p.s.  Thanks for the tips on the caramel apples and yes, Stacey I would love Colleen's recipe!  I am motivated and inspired to try it again.


Anonymous said...

My Favorite person ever is Janet Reese Randall! However I bet you already knew that!

Miss you!

Delia said...

Those were fun facts. Does Justin know about this red shoe obsession? I am thinking...easy Christmas gift idea! Maybe I should email him random pictures of cute red shoes. :) Just say the word and I will do it.