Friday, October 8, 2010


A little background before I begin today's "Top Five".  The high school where I work has an 8 class block schedule.  What this means is that there are 'A' days and 'B' days.  Each day the students go to four classes, each class is an hour and half long.  I haven't decided if this is good or not.  Honestly I think it depends on the class.  With that said, here is today's top 5.

1).  I started the day in a study skills class.  The students were given the journal topic, "If you won the lottery, what would you do?"  Of course this is easier to answer when you know how much money is in the lottery.  So the students agreed on the amount of $250 million.  So I'm asking you....what would you do?  I would start by paying taxes, that's a given.  So let's say you're left with $175 million.  After that I would get out of debt, help family members get out of debt, buy a house and a new car or two.  I can't forget a couple of motorcycles for Justin either!  Especially since he sold his to help our family last year.  After that I would invest and save.  *sigh*  It's fun to dream.

2).  I'm sorry, but being in high school you can not help but people watch....a lot!  Today while I was observing the thought came to my mind, "I wonder what people think about me when they see me?"  Not that I'm paranoid or really care, it was more out of curiosity than anything else.

3).  I sat in an English class today with a very interesting group assignment.  They are reading William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar".  As they read and interpret that play, they are taking the basic outline of the plot to write their own play about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth.  Does that make sense?  They don't necessarily have to stick to the original or factual events of that assassination, just the characters.  Needless to say, it was very interesting.  I'm curious to see what the students come up with.  However, I'm not usually in that class so I may never know.

4).  Another interesting bit of information about the school district where I work--the high school students have an incredible variety of electives and college prep classes available to them.  Definitely more than I ever had available.  In fact, if a student is interested in taking a class such as French III, or a very specific, upper level science class and our campus doesn't offer it, but another high school in the area does, they actually bus the kids back and forth for that specific class period.  They also have a facility they call the CATE center, which I believe stands for Career and Technology Education center that offers specific and high level classes in culinary arts, graphic design, etc., etc.  Isn't that cool?!  I really wish I had opportunities like that when I was in high school.

5).  O.k. this one has nothing to do with school.  What is the deal with being in my mid-thirties and waking up to acne and wrinkles?! Can't a gal get a break?!  I wish I was independently  wealthy and had a dermatologist on call.  Heck, since we're wishing and money isn't a problem why not also have on staff, a hairdresser, massage therapist, aesthetitian, and personal shopper/stylist.  Now that sounds good.

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Delia said...

Oh Janet! You are so funny/cute/lovable.

Your high school sounds so very cool. Wow.

What would I do with all that money hmmm:

taxes, tithing, student loans, house, minivan, bikes {regular}, toys {i.e.nicer camera for both Jared and me}, and then I would put the rest in a savings account that would pay us enough interest each month for us to live off of.

Dianne K. Nelson said...

...and a chiropractor...I've often thought it would be nice to have adjustments every other day or so...

Love ya!