Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall at the Arboretum

We enjoyed a beautiful day at the Arboretum yesterday.  The weather was perfect and even though it seemed like everyone else in the DFW area decided to go too, we had a great time!

We were watching a friend of ours for the day and were lucky to have her come along.

I saw this and wished that I was out sailing.  It was such beautiful fall day!

Welcome to Pumpkin Village.  This was one of many houses made from pumpkins and other fall squash.  Each house had a story that involved pumpkins to go with it.  It was so crazy and there were so many people there that we didn't spend enough time to read about all of the stories.  The two that I remember were "Cinderella," and "Too Many Pumpkins." 

We made the mistake of visiting the pumpkin village after the kids had run through the fountains.  That's why everyone's hair looks the way it does.  (Note to self, pose for pictures before getting all wet).

Kenzie kept picking up softball-sized pumpkins and throwing them like.....well a softball. :)  Hence another reason why we didn't spend a lot of time at the pumpkin village.

All in all, it was just another day in paradise!


pianogal said...

Looks like so much fun! Thanks again for taking A., she had a great time!

Robyn said...

What a great way to spend a fall afternoon! I caught up on your blogs and loved them all.

Delia said...

What a fun place. Those pumpkin houses were pretty amazing. We love your sail boat picture!

Nick said...

I want Texas fall weather! Actually it's been so nice here for this time of year. If I won the lottery I would definitely get out of debt and B and I would travel the world-France, all of the UK, Ireland, Italy, and somewhere tropical for sure. I hear you on the acne and wrinkles thing. My chin is broken out ALL the time! And I'm definitely with you on the waking up in the middle of the night. Jo Jo seems to have a real problem lately and it's driving me nuts. Here's to sleeping all night!