Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top 5 for today

1).  I hate making lunches and ironing clothes the night before....every night.  However, I hate waking up the next day and not having these things done.    I just can't win.

2).  Kate informed me the other day that she has two boyfriends.  Then with a sheepish smile she admits, "O.k. they're just boys that are my friends."  Whew! 

3).  I can't decide if I love cinnamon rolls or hate them.  Maybe I hate to love them.  I don't know.  We made some for breakfast on Sunday and they were fabulous!  We finally finished them off tonight.  Thank goodness we don't make them very often.

4).  Thank goodness for e-mail.  If I didn't get regular e-mails from Kelly's teachers I wouldn't have any idea that she had progress reports that needed to be signed.  Hmmmmm.  Actually she continues to do very well in school.  We are truly proud of her! 

5).  I love bedtime stories, prayers, songs, drinks, etc.  I hope my children never get too big for these things.


Delia said...

I have the same love hate relationship with cinnamon rolls and treats in general...except chocolate chip cookies...I like those all the time. :)

I would hate to have to iron everyday too. I feel for you.

Nick said...

I love your top 5 idea! I love the teacher emails too. Our progress reports just get sent via email so that's nice and we don't have to sign. They never have all the grades though. I can't believe how well Bubba is doing this year-especially since he has more homework. With such smart parents of course she would be smart! :) I hate ironing and therefore only do it once in a blue moon. My mom thinks you need to iron t-shirts, but I refuse!

Anonymous said...

I share your hate of having to fix lunch the night before!! But I'm afraid I only iron once in a blue moon! After a long day at school coming home and getting ready for another day is just too much to take, right??? What happened to the lunch-making fairy?? Mine quit!! :) I'm glad that Kelly's concert went well and that she got a part she likes in the play. Oh, about the handstands in class -- go for it!! Just do it on a day when you wear pants!! And, Janet, you HAVE to make time for exercising -- remember what you used to tell your students?? You have to take care of yourself!! Justin can help with the dishes but he can't keep you in shape!! Sorry for the lecture, but I've never gotten off of that soapbox -- ask Justin!! :) Hey! I love you -- give the 4 Ks and the BIG J a hug and kiss for me, OK?
Mom Teresa