Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Know What Happened?

"Know what happened, mom?"  That is what Kenzie has been starting her conversations with lately and since it's been a while since I've posted I thought I would begin that way too.

Last weekend Kelly and I attended the play "Hairspray," at the school where I work.  The students did a great job and Kelly and I had a lot of fun.  I actually have a couple of pictures to post about it, but since I'm typing this at work--don't worry I've got some down time--you'll have to wait for pictures until I get home.

The sad thing is, that once I get home there is a rollercoaster of activity until I finally crawl into bed, anywhere between 10:30 pm and midnight.  That's one of the reasons why I haven't posted lately.  Even my weekends are no longer the laid back, relaxing "breaks" that they used to be.  This coming summer the Dallas area youth are putting on a Jubilee complete with 10+ dance numbers, etc.  I will be one of the many leaders that will be teaching the youth the dances starting in January, so some of my weekends have been filled with preparing for that.  It's going to be an amazing experience and even though I'm already dreading all of the work that is necessary for something like this, I'm glad that I get to be involved.

Our kids are growing faster than I can keep up with!  Kelly is busy getting ready for her school play tomorrow night.  They are performing a play called "CSI Neverland," a spoof on Peter Pan and CSI.  It looks like it will be pretty comical and painful to watch at the same time--if you can picture a group of middle schoolers and a story with characters such as "Penelope Moppins, Peter Pantaloon, and a CSI investigator that falls in love with a librarian."  Kelly plays one of the lost boys, dressed as a bear, who has grown up and now walks with a cane, does commercials for depends and takes heart medicine.  Are you laughing yet? ;)  Yes, we will have pictures of this too.

Of course on the same night as Kelly's play, Kevin has cub scouts and an award night for his school's Reflections program.  It will be amazing if we happily make it to the upcoming weekend!!  Speaking of which, Justin and Kevin are looking forward to a father-son backpacking camping trip this weekend with some friends.  I'm really excited for both of them to have an experience like this.

Kate is loving kindergarten and slowly reading a little more every day.  Poor thing, she is so wiped out after school, (it's all day), that when I get home between 4:30 and 5:00, she is usually curled up in her bed asleep!

Kenzie is busy and such a bossy two-year-old at times.  She absolutely loves watching "Dora the Explorer," and wearing pink, frilly, girly, ballet dresses.  Since the weather has finally started to get colder getting her dressed sometimes has been more of a battle than anyone needs!  But oh well, there aren't many other times in your life when you can get away with wearing ballet dresses every day and it makes knowing what to get her for Christmas that much easier.


Nick said...

Oh my goodness you're busy! I hope you survive. I know how stressful it can be when everyone has something going on at the same time. Poor sleepy Kate. I'm glad we only have half day because I don't think he's ready to be there all day yet. Kelly's play sounds like a hoot.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Hey your life sounds a lot like mine ;)
It gets better and the memories we'll have are worth it :)

Delia said... are a busy woman with a super busy family. It sounds like you have a lot of worthwhile fun things coming up!

Kelly's play sounds awesome. Wish I could be there!