Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Day

I usually take pictures of our tree and gifts before the kids come down in the morning but I was so tired this year these were the only pictures that I took.  Kate with her "Twinkle Toes" shoes.  This was the one thing that remained constant on her wish list.

They are so fun and girly and they even light up when she walks-bonus!

We ended up finding a great deal on these boots in Kenzie's size so she got some "Twinkle Toes" too.  That's what you get when you have two very girly little girls--pink and sparkly!

Kevin is thrilled with his remote controlled helicopter!  (Santa brought one for Justin too)  They have a great time flying them around the house.

I'm sad that this picture turned out blurry--that is something that I really need to work on with my picture taking.  Anyway, Kelly got a Kindle from Santa and quickly went to work downloading free classic stories.  If anyone needs future gift ideas for her--amazon gift cards towards more books.  We're thrilled that we no longer have to worry about where we're going to keep all of her books!

After all was said and done I took this picture of Kenzie trying to hold onto as much of her gifts as she can!  And yes, that is a new ballerina dress that she's wearing.

My favorite gifts include a new sewing machine that I actually received before Christmas and put to good use making a beautiful jumper for Kate--which of course I haven't taken a picture of yet.  I'm planning on making a matching one for Kenzie this week so hopefully you'll see a picture of that soon.  Also, Kelly received the Glee karaoke game for the Wii--Love it!  It is soooo much fun! 

We have been truly blessed and Santa was very, very generous and good to us this year, Thanks Santa!


Robyn said...

Merry Christmas to all of you! Love all the pictures and can't wait to see the jumpers!

Hope your 2011 has a lot of unexpected blessings!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Awww I want some twinkle toes shoes! Those are awesome. I sooo want an ebook reader as well. I have WAY too many books I don't know where to put them all :(
Glad you had a great Christmas.

Delia said...

What a great Christmas. I love your girly pinkalicious girls!

Yay for a new sewing machine! I can't wait to see that jumper.

And...what a great gift for Kelly. Genius.