Friday, December 24, 2010

From Our Family to Yours

As we reflect on the wonders and blessing's of this year we couldn't forget our friends and family.  From our home to yours;

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Kathy said...

Lovely family. The kids are getting so big!

Love you


Mom Teresa said...

I've just read through the latest blogs -- I love them!!
thanks for the picture cd and the gift card!! I bought dark chocolate covered cashews mmmmmm I love this family picture!! Your Christmas Day sounds wonderful!! How ever do you find so many different ballerina dresses??? I went with Emily and John to see Satchel in The Nutcracker and thought about your ballerinas!! Do they know that it is a secret fantasy of mine to be a prima donna ballerina?? You just wait -- there's still the hereafter!!! :-))!! I love you!! Your call on Christmas Day meant so much -- especially your excitement about the Benjamin Gardner book. I hope that you all enjoy the stories of our GREAT grandparents that it tells.