Sunday, December 19, 2010

Look What We Made!

I have often felt that I do not have one creative and crafty bone in my body, but I am so proud at what I made for teacher gifts this year!  (It helped that I didn't come up with the idea on my own and all I had to do was a little tracing, cutting out, and ironing on).  I should say that I don't think I have ever made anything for teacher gifts before except maybe some cookies or something like that, if we give a teacher gift at all!  I know what you're thinking, "doesn't she only have 3 kids in school?  Why are there so many?"  Kevin actually has four different teachers (thank goodness one was a man and we just put his gift in a regular gift bag).We also made one for our neighbor who helps with carpooling and one for Kelly's drama teacher.  These are so easy to make, especially if you're a crafty person and own a Cricut or something like that, (having one of those would have been especially handy).  I found the tote bags at Hobby Lobby in packs of 3, (o.k. I admit it, the pink one I found at Goodwill-and was pretty excited about it).  The only other things you need are scraps of material and I used "wonder under" to iron it all together.  I could not be happier, and as far as I know the teachers liked them.

Since it'd be weird to just hand them an empty bag, we made some bread and put that inside.  I did that on the premise that teachers get a lot of cookies and candy this time of year.  And no, the bread did not turn out perfectly beautiful each time either, but I know that no matter what it looked like, it tasted fantastic so I hope they enjoyed that too.

While I was busy making the bags, Justin made some english toffee--a traditional Christmas candy that his mom made often when he was little.  He needed a treat for a work luncheon.  He too was proud of how it turned out and it tasted wonderful!  The ladies at work kept telling him to give compliments to his wife.  Imagine their suprise when he told them that he made it!  Yes, he's definitely a keeper!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Those are great Janet! What a great idea. And you are welcome to use my Cricut anytime ;)

And that toffee looks delish!

*Shelli* said...

CUTE bags! You are one busy ~ crafty momma :)

Delia said...

They look great Janet. What a great idea to do bread.

Nice job to Justin too. I am impressed!