Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh Yeah, We're Friends with the Big Guy

We are so fortunate to have an "in" with Mr. and Mrs. Claus, that they came to visit us on Friday night.  I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of the two of them--sorry Mrs. Claus, we know that you were here.  I was just so caught up in wanting it to be special and memorable for my kids that I didn't think about it until it was too late.

O.k. so this is what Kate picked out for her pajamas that night.  I didn't realize it until it was too late for her to change.  She admits that because she was born in California that she's a "summer proof" girl and doesn't like winter.  I guess this is her way of making that statement.

And of course Kenzie was terrified.  I had to laugh a little because when he walked in the door she happily exclaimed, "Santa!" like it was the best thing to ever happen to her and then she immediately ran the other way crying!  It makes me giggle even now to think about it. 

After quite a bit of coaxing this was the best shot we could get.  There was no way she was going to smile.

Yes, and even Mom and Dad got a turn to sit on Santa's lap.  I was so busy cleaning our house for our guests that I didn't even change out of my work clothes.  Oh well.

Although this picture is a little blurry, it's the best one of Justin.  He has this funny, nervous habit of when he knows someone is taking his picture he can't figure out how to smile normally.  I'm sorry honey--but I love you just the same!

It was a wonderful night and we are so grateful that Santa and his wife could take time out of their busy schedule this time of year to visit our family.  They even gave each one of us a candy cane, a pencil and an ornament for our tree. 

p.s.  These were our dear friends who care for Kenzie while I am at work.  We are truly blessed to have them in our lives. :)


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Wow you do have connections! Personal visits from the big guy BEFORE Christmas!

Love to see the look on little kids' faces when they see Santa. Especially the terrified looks ;)
I love Kenzie!

Robyn said...

This is just AWESOME!! The kids had to be so excited to have Santa make a personal visit to their house.

Love the tree in the back too!

Merry Christmas

Delia said...

No way! That is so awesome. Your house is beautiful too.

Nick said...

How fun! He looks like a very jolly Santa. Our mall Santa has a real beard. He's so cute. Anyway, how fun for the kids!