Thursday, December 2, 2010

Meet Cookie and Sam

These are our new pets, Cookie and Sam.  One of Kelly's friends were looking for a new home for these little puff balls and we just couldn't think of a good enough reason not to take them.  These pictures were taken after they had a bath.  They had been a little neglected when it comes to being clean, so we got them a new cage and cleaned them up and they were so happy.  I have to say that so far these are the easiest pets!  Thankfully Kelly and Kevin are old enough and have really done well in feeding them and keeping their cage clean.  Also, Kate and Kenzie have done well with them too.  It's been really fun having them.


Breanne said...

They are so cute! Little puffy furballs-what fun pets.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

How cute! I'm sure your kids were thrilled to get them :)

Delia said...

How fun! Jared said all they need now is a remote control car to ride around in like G-Force. :)

Nick said...

The boys keep wanting some kind of pet. They have goldfish and never feed them, so um no. But how fun for your kids. I'm glad they're so responsible.