Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saturday's Top Five

I have missed doing this so in an effort to try again here is my top 5 for today:

1.  For some crazy reason I have the urge to throw myself onto the floor and just kick and scream until I feel better.  Do you ever feel that way sometimes?  I think that the time of year is exacerbating this feeling.  This is the first time that I wish we could have Christmas without any presents.  You know, we could just do fun things, make fun crafts, make/eat yummy treats.  I think that I would love that.  I just can't keep up!

2.  Anyway, moving on.  I keep thinking about making vintage children's clothes.  My fingers are itching to start sewing--which is also pretty crazy.  The sad thing is that I don't have a sewing machine, let alone any real work space.  However, I am getting some good ideas and patterns so that hopefully sooner than later I will be creating some cool things.  Eventually, more things about this to come later.

3.  Kelly participated in a Drama-Rama middle school drama competition.  If you didn't know that competitions like this existed, don't feel bad because I didn't either!  She sang "What is this feeling?"  from Wicked, with another girl from her class; Was chosen yesterday to be part of an Improv group; And also participated in a Duet Acting Scene.  She made it to the semi-finals for all three, but that's as far as she went.  Of course we are so proud of her, but it was still a little hard for her not to progress any farther.  After a few tears were shed she felt much better and we celebrated with pizza and sparkling cider for dinner.  It's wonderfully amazing to watch her grow and develop her talents.

4.  I think I am finally starting to feel better!  Hurray!  It's taken a long time but I see the light at the end of the tunnel--hallelujah!

5.  And last but not least when you look up certain words in the dictionary such as, tornado, hurricane, or perhaps mass destruction this is the picture that you will find:

I know what you are thinking, "How can somone so cute and little be that bad?"  But I am telling you we cannot leave her alone for a minute she is pulling all the ornaments off of our tree (it's a fake one this year), messing with all the decorations in general, getting into my purse and eating, not chewing, but eating all of my gum, dumping out all of the toy baskets, just to dump them out, you name it, if it can be dumped out, torn up, knocked over, etc. she will do it.  And most likely it will happen within the first 3o minutes of the day!  I am so ready for this phase to pass!


Delia said...

I would love to see your vintage clothing! How exciting Janet. i hope you get your machine soon!

I am so proud of Kelly. Please tell her so. This is only the beginning and she is such a shining star already.

Oh Kenzie. Sounds like you have your hands really full. I try to see the personality traits that I don't find desirable in my children right now as a desirable trait later on in life. Incredible curiosity that drives her to get into everything possible...amazing researcher, engineer, scientist, journalist later. :) Like with Reid...stubborn as all get out. Driven and goal oriented later...right? Hopefully anyway.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Awww Kenzie! She's so cute ;)
I can still picture her with the gummy kabob clutched securely in her hand last week :D

And I didn't know you knew how to sew. I love vintage style clothes. I'd love to see them when you do get to working on them.

Robyn said...

I remember when you said Kate was your mischievous child. It sounds like she passed the torch and you got a "newer", "better" version.

I too true to see the good in Ryann's curiosity. Not always succesful but I atleast try.

Have a great holiday!