Monday, December 6, 2010

My Goals for the Week

1.  Be more fun!
2.  Take updated pictures of my kids to post in sidebar, (Kelly and Kevin's are from one year ago).
3.  Study my scriptures every morning.  We know it's important, we know it helps, we try to teach our children to do's time I make it a habit.
4.  Do something "Christmasy" every day.  It doesn't have to be big, just something to help me remember, and hopefully think of how blessed I am.
5.  Make sure Kenzie is getting the attention that she needs, hopefully this will cut down on how much trouble she creates.

Wishing everyone a fabulous week!


Delia said...

Those sounds like wonderful goals! I wish you the best this week!

Nick said...

Good luck. I need to sit down and set some goals so I don't keep falling apart. I'm so proud of Kelly. Coconut will be the death of me. He's a terror as well, so I feel your pain. I feel like throwing tantrums sometimes and have occassionally been known to actually bang my head against the wall. It hurts, but makes me feel better. Sounds weird. I hope you have a good day.