Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Story in Pictures--lots of pictures, sorry.

Once upon a time there was a family with nothing to do.  They decided to go geocaching.  They got some coordinates, and a GPS app and off they went in search of some hidden treasures.

Solving an encrypted message with a hint to the location of the first cache--"You may be split on which side of the fence to look."

One sister was bored and didn't know why she had to wait in the car.  She just wanted to find the hidden toys.

One sister was used to waiting for everyone else.

To make things more fun, Dad started tickling!

He even got this one to laugh no matter how hard she tried to pout.

Finally, they're off on the hunt, a clue in hand and some coordinates to follow.

It was a little muddy, but this sister wasn't giving up.

This side or that side?  Hmmm........

After the disappointment of not finding anything at the first sight, it's onto the second.

Aside:  Are those little buds waiting for spring?  Interesting.

They didn't find anything on that side of the tunnel, maybe it's on the other side.

Alas, they came up with nothing at sight two.  Maybe they'll get lucky at sight three.  Hey at least they found this cool looking spider who was missing a couple of legs.

"Wait sor me guys!" the littlest one calls.  That hill doesn't look like much here, but as they started climbing up Mom couldn't help but sing a verse from Sound of Music's "Climb Every Mountain," to which the littlest one replies, "Ah sanks mom. That's a nice song."

While waiting for Dad and older sister and brother to look around for a camouflaged pill bottle at sight number three, the littlest one goes digging for her own treasure.

Oh! She found something.  (I am such a mom. :) )

This seemed like a pretty good treasure for the little sister.  However, when she found out we were going home she said, "But what about the toys?!"  Mom said, "Oh honey, I don't think you understand how it works."  She replied, "Wait!  There's no toys?  No Fair!"

The clue said that the cache would be hanging in a tree.  All we managed to find was this squirrel.

The brother didn't go home empty handed.  He lucked out finding a bouncy ball and a crisp George Washington.  Not too bad.

Despite not finding the cache's they were searching for, the family had a great time together and were so glad that they went.  In fact, they're looking forward to researching a little and trying again soon.

The End.


Jared said...

What a fun activity!! Geocaching can be frustrating, but it looks like you guys made the most of it. I have done geocaching with really high tech GPS devices and still had lots of trouble.

Mom Teresa said...

I LOVE it!!! The picture commentary was the treasure for me -- and Kenzie and Kevin DID find treasure -- omg, Janet, I can't can't CAN'T believe that picture!!! :))) LOL Happy New Year everyone!! I'm snowed in in Young and loving it!! Wish you were all here to build snowmen and go sledding and make hot chocolate (Emily has me hooked on chocolate w/a touch of cayenne in it !! mmmmm)I LOVE YOU AMAZING Ks and my 2 favorite Texas J Randalls!!!

Nick said...

We've done this before. It was hit and miss, but we did find one. Unfortunately when we got out, B's phone must've fallen out and he drove over it. We didn't realize it was gone until later and someone actually found it and saved it for him at a hotel. They even got the pictures off the sim card printed for him! Glad you guys had fun despite the disappointment.

Delia said...

Geo caching is so fun! We haven't done it in years. How cool that you guys made it a family adventure. I loved your commentary and Kenzie's treasure. Ha ha.