Thursday, January 6, 2011


O.k. I'm not really sure if pensive is the right way to describe how I feel right now.  What's probably more accurate is that I'm trying to avoid responsibility.  It's been a long week.  A really long week.

I'm glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Tomorrow night brings Justin home for a day and a half.  He has a busy month full of travel.  I'm glad he gets these opportunities, but they certainly come with a price.  My heart truly goes out to single parents because this is probably close to the top of my "Things I really Hate" list.  Sorry honey.  I do love and appreciate all that you do for our family.

Instead of doing dishes, making lunches, rotating and putting away laundry I decided to treat myself to some coconut milk ice cream--my absolute favorite!  Sadly it has gone up in price, so I will not be buying it again anytime soon, but I felt like I just needed some tonight.  It was wonderful!  However it did not magically make my responsibilities disappear--dang it!

So I will continue to ignore those things and focus on the great things of this week.   Monday night as part of our family night the kids and I finally played a new Wii game--"Just Dance for Kids."  It was so much fun!  And honestly, a great way to get some cardio exercise without really knowing it.  It has songs on there that little kids will recognize and enjoy, but it also has songs on there that big kids like me really like too.

Last night we played a little "Glee Karaoke Revolution,"  for some serious fun!  Kate's favorite song is "Defying Gravity" which she has done enough times that she's been able to memorize many of the words--they move too fast across the screen for her to read.  Kevin's favorite is "Don't Stop Believin'."  I thoroughly enjoy watching them and think these are the moments that I want to hold onto and remember forever.

O.k. it's now 11 o'clock and I can no longer put off what I have to do.  Thankfully tomorrow is Friday!  It's almost ridiculous how happy I am that I do not have to iron clothes for tomorrow, but can wear jeans and a shool t-shirt.  The thought makes me so utterly happy that I want to giggle.  All-righty then, that's just a little weird and a sign that I've truly stayed up too late and must end here!


Nick said...

We just borrowed Just Dance from our friends. We love it! It really is good exercise. Bubba LOVES "Don't Stop Believin'." He listened to it over and over on his MP3 until he memorized it. It makes me so happy to know that my kids love Journey!
Sorry you're a single parent for most of the month. It's so hard! Good luck.

Ashley said...

OK, first off- YOU IRON!? Are you nuts? I don't even look at buying things that need ironing any more...or maybe they do need it, but I just ignore it. :) And both those games sound super fun. I am going to rent them. Thanks for the tips...and get yourself some more coconut milk ice cream (sounds delicious) deserve it!!