Friday, January 7, 2011

My Favorite New Year's Resolution

A few of my favorite Christmas Gifts

This year I've set a goal for myself to sew one new article of clothing every month.  I've decided that I'm going to get up early on Saturday mornings, (well, just the same time I wake up during the week).  That way I have a few hours to sew and I don't have to feel guilty that I'm ignoring my family.  That's the plan anyway.  Tomorrow will be the first day to put it into action.  I honestly hope that I have the will power to do it.  Sleeping in tomorrow sounds awfully nice. 

And without further is the dress I made for Kate before Christmas.

Ta-da!!  O.k. so I took this picture without a flash.  I'm not sure if it does the colors justice, so here it is again with the flash on.

Without Flash

These details I'm proud to day are my own personal details.  All in all it's a great simple pattern, I just thought it needed a kick and when I saw these ribbons I knew I had to use them on this pattern.

With Flash

I'm not sure if she likes the dress as much as she likes posing for pictures.  And I think that when you have a pleated skirt it's hard not to twirl.  I have all the stuff to make a matching jumper for Kenzie.  That is what I will be working on tomorrow.  It's funny because I will be using the exact same size pattern for both girls--I just had to add about 6 1/2 inches in the length for Kate--my skinny mini.  I'm really looking forward to working on this goal.  Be looking for future sewing posts.  I will also try to post some tips etc. that I discover along the way. 

What is your favorite resolution/goal this year?


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

That looks great! I wish I could sew. You'd think I'd be a great seamstress since my mom can practically make anything out of fabric but I can't even sew a button. Oh, well, I guess why they invented the Mighty Mend It and all those other new sew (read lazy) ways to put fabrics together. Do post some tips, you may inspire me to use my sewing machine I've never used :D

Delia said...

You are awesome Janet. The dress looks so pretty!

One of my favorite feelings is sewing while everyone else sleeps. I don't know why but I feel like I can think and I don't rush my sewing as much and it just feels peaceful being productive with my hands. Have fun!

My favorite goal this year: learn to play a hymn on the piano. I have learned a hymns made easy hymn but have yet to learn a real hymn. I am following the keyboarding program put out by the Church and I love it!

Nick said...

You're so fabulous! I've always wanted to learn to sew. Maybe I should get one of those $35 sewing machines from Walmart and take a class. Anyway, you're great and what a great goal. I'm making it a goal to work on my book more and get more of our scrapbooking done! You're an inspiration.

pianogal said...

Such a cute dress! Love it!

Unknown said...

Classy creation, Janet! Can't wait to see what else comes along with your work!